my realname:
Solid, dependable and hardworking you have a fairly conservative approach to life and know that organisation gets results. With enormous courage and discipline you overcome difficult situations by tackling them head on. You have great maturity, able to balance your mind and emotions to reach sound decisions. Your talents and determination are likely to lead to a great deal of worldly success.
which, is completely opposite of me!

my nick:
Life is never dull with your adventurous and restless spirit. You are always on the move and seeking a new challenge to pit your wits against. Being in touch with nature you love the outdoors. You have keen intuition and a desire for knowledge and you can be something of a crusader. When you apply discipline and tenacity to your energetic mind then leadership positions are easily available to you.
which is surprisingly accurate!

alternate name:
You are fairminded, wise and peaceloving and are always willing to help others. Your mental capabilities and creativity are well marked with wonderful and original ideas which you need to bring to tangible fruition. Perceptive and understanding of others your positive approach to life and influential nature means that you have leadership qualities. There is great potential for success both financially and spiritually.
which is also quite accurate.