Thank u, thank u, Rhonda!

Hubby and I both had the day off from work (yippee!), we started the day off by going to Target (I got myself a bag), then went home, had lunch, did housework (yea I can hear you scream "HOUSEWORK!!! You did HOUSEWORK on your b'day?!?!" yea but I had no choice leh.. things were starting to pile up :p). Went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant nearby, had barrumundi & crab cake fillets, which were yum!!
When I got back to work on Wednesday, my 2nd in charge bought me a nice mango cheesecake for all of us to share, plus cheese & crackers... delicious! It was really nice of them to celebrate my b'day with me

B'day wish? Err... dun have any leh!