Originally posted by hyperactivechatterbox:
I agree that the cyclist was very rude to say such things, but then cyclists don't have places to cycle much either. It isn't always we get bicycle roads, and then the law states that cyclists ARE allowed to cycle on paedestian (sp?) roads. The vehicle roads are dangerous, the cars beep at you like siao, then the paedestrains also complain and scold. Where to cycle, huh?
Pedestrians ahould have right of way on pavements, since they are on foot. Some idiot cyclists I've encountered will keep ringing their stupid bell even after you move to one side of the pavement, expecting you to step onto the grass or the road to let them pass. I usually pretend I never hear them.
Pedestrians HAVE been seriously injured by cyclists before. I even know one that ended up hospitalised for 2 weeks because the fucking cyclist rammed straight into her from behind...on the fucking pavement! So I'm all for a ban on cyclists on pavements. If they must cycle, take their chances on the main road, or walk.