Whoever said that "A Drunk Man never lies" should be given credit for telling it like the truth it is. There is, undeniably, something about alcohol that lowers ones' inhibitions. Whenever I'm in a club or a watering hole someplace, it can be quite amusing to see the leery men trying to chat up the girl across the bar, or using the corniest pick up lines imaginable just to be 'different'. Who the hell do they think they're kidding? Or the bespectacled geek getting up on the bartop to flaunt his moves... and the normally reserved auntie suddenly behaving coquettishly and flirting unabashedly.

My friends believe that it is often easier to get close or 'score' with the average looking ladies rather than the catty woman-of-the-world. I suspect that most men don't even bother to chat up those that look remotely beyond their league, perhaps because rejection can be a bitter pill to swallow. Maybe... who knows? I have known some men who actually push themselves beyond their limits just to prove that they can. To them, perhaps the 'powerful' feeling of having the most sought-after woman hanging on their every word is enough to give them a high that no amount of alcohol ever could.
The way things are now, however, the women can be more aggressive than their male counterparts. Add this on to the competitive factor that most women have... and you get quite a lethal combination. I can't say I actually blame them. Women nowadays will not think twice about fighting for what they want. Beguile, bewilder, bewitch - they will do what needs to be done for their own happiness. No longer are women the submissive personas of yore - they are independently in control of their lives.
When it comes to the mating game, who could blame them? As it is, the 'good' men are either engaged, married, or gay.

Personally, I'm still old fashioned when it comes to the courting ritual. There are, however, subtle ways of letting your interest show. In the olden days, females use their fluttering fans to cover part of their face coyly while batting their eye-lashes furiously with a come-hither look, or 'casually' drop a perfumed hanky in their fancied gentleman's wake. Since carrying a folding lacy fan is not done anymore (It is rather quaint, tho!) and using a handkerchief might just make the laundry bin extra heavy, we improvise! The bluetooth / 3G options on the mobile phone are there for a reason. Use it wisely! If all else fails, drop the phone... (Touch and go on that however, 90% chance is that you will lose the man AND the phone!)
The mating rituals... will wonders never cease?

What are some of the most creative / most ridiculous / most effective methods that you have practised or come across? Share... and educate the masses!
*Disclaimer* All methods mentioned above and in the confines of this thread shall be to the complete discretion of the public. The poster shall not be held liable for any slaps, broken bones, lawyer fees, medical fees or wedding expenses incurred as a result of their advice.