Originally posted by kopiosatu:
share some stories here leh~
i miss the 40baht fried rice
well .... you know we have an army training base in thailand right ? ...
so ... we have a bunch of permanent staff there ... good life they get, extra allowances, air-con bunks, etc, etc ... the nearest town isn kanchanaburi town, where there are a bunch of bars, massage parlours, strip joints etc, that'll have to close down without the patronage of training troops and perm staff ....
the perm staff there will pick up thai pretty quickly, and will soon hook up with some of the local lasses, thing is ... you'll know something is wrong immediately ... people's aesthetics scale varies, but have you ever wondered why some ang mohs at those thailand bars are so smitten and attracted to certain girls at those ago-go bars even though ... erm.... they are so "not-chio" to the other extreme ? ...
yeps, that's right ... the laocheks will tell you stories of some virgin A' level boys sent there and got deflowered by some local lass, the boys have no defences whatsoever ... month after month, they'll take out almost all of their month allowance, more than $1000, and hand it to their "girlfriends" on the spot ... heck, $1000 is a LOT of money in Baht eh .... some of these lasses have multiple "boyfriends" too ... they'll bonk with a chap on his day off, and bonk with another on the other chap's day off ... and they'll never know also ... cos both chaps are in the same profession, say B vehicle mechanic, so both will never get off on the same day ! ....
one of the more senior SAF officer there on his second tour told me how this lao-chek literally broke down and cried when he was told that he'll have to scrap his off day for once cos of work exigencies .... the lao-check begged and begged .... and later went awol for the night to look for his "gf" .....
if you can find a nice decent lass there kopi, yes, I think you'd be the luckiest man around .... but one has to be very very careful there eh .... the "sauce-head" is pretty powerful there ....