the heading Music with Mar is a Three Little Pig rap. It's really cute
But I want to transcribe the lyrics.. i've got almost all now (so you can rap with it if you like) EXCEPT for the missing line. Can someone who has the time and interest to go hear this rap heehee.. tell me what is the line saying?? I just can't catch it!
Three LIttle Pig RapThis is a story about 3 pigs
who needed to go out to get new stys
Each set out on their own way
to build themselves a place to stay
Pig 1:
I'm a lazy pig and need time to play
I am building a house of hay
That didnt work out before too long
soon they heard the wolf sing his song
Worlf: I'll huff and I'll Puff (He'll huff and He'll puff)
I'll huff and I'll puff
and i will blow your house down
then the pigs heard this really loud sound
He Blew the house down!
(He blew the house down!)
Off he went, off he ran
to see if his sister had a better plan
Pig 2
when I saw my brother and heard him cry
I said let's do a house of wood, I'll try
They built the house they built it strong
and soon the wolf came along
Off they went, off they ran
to see if their sister had a better plan
Pig 3
My brother my sister they look so sick
Come and stay in my house of bricks
The wolf can blow but it will do no good
It can't blow stone like hay or wood
The wolf came and gave a huff and puff
but soon he learn that it wasnt enough
It's best to go to the ********alone
when they are safely in their homes
Rhonda : Sorry ShroCat, just edited this post to make the url clickable.