I choose my scenarios to be competitive in. Most of the time, it'll be my favourite subjects in school or when I'm in some course.

I'm highly selective though, and my competitive spirit does not apply across the board simply because I prefer to choose which race I wanna run in, and drop all other races because I do not strive to be some lunatic perfectionist and I don't wanna go bonkers or burnout from sheer exhaustion whilst running the race!

I guess you can say I'm a lazy competitor!

However, I can be very anal once I've chosen to compete in an academic arena. I not only end up being super-organised with my lecture notes and tutorial sheets, I go beyond what's required by reading and researching intensively and as you all know, it's the digging for info bit that is really tiresome and energy-consuming.

After gathering a huge pile of notes, I'll start to devour them slowly. I feel that in order to know a subject well enough, you have to go above and beyond the confines of the syllabus and attack the subject matter from all sides! Launch an all-round 'attack'!

If I top a class in that subject, the joy is short-lived because my competitiveness will then plunge me into a spiralling exhaustion and moodiness as I fight to maintain my position.

I can get really uptight about it at times because for some strange reason, it means (or, I hope, meanT, past tense!

) a lot to me to keep my position.

I don't suffer 'defeats' well that way and I hate to admit this but I will sulk for a long time over 'failures', as defined by me.

However, for subjects that do not capture my fancy and ignite my competitiveness, I can be very laid-back and easy-going about it.

I can even have a 'heck-care, mai fail can liao' attitude!

Which accounts for why I can score Distinctions or 'A's for my favourite subjects, and sometimes even top the class / faculty, and then for other subjects, I rank Top 10... bottoms-up!

I guess in the working world, I didn't compete directly with anyone in particular. I'm not fond of office politics and I just worked hard to make sure I won't be displaced and my performance graded so bad that I won't have any performance bonus (Yeah... I'm a 'minimalist' at work! Hahaha!!

) but other than ensuring my survival, I'm not competitive in the workplace. Well, not that I can remember anyways!

I definitely wasn't competitive in my nursing job because I couldn't be part of the working culture there anyways.

Oh well, I tell myself that after getting my PR and enrolling for further studies in Aussieland, I'd better remember that as long as I get that piece of paper I'm after, can liao - Distinctions and what-not aren't that important because I'm no longer a young filly liao, and I'd much rather have time to go around smelling the roses and exploring the place, having fun!

Yes, I've grown older, and more mellow liao!