Lately, I've seen appalling food hygiene in a few restaurants. I find it extremely disturbing since you'd think everyone would know better cause of the education we've had!
Firstly, the episode where I was served Pink Guava juice gone off, and it was at room temperature too.
MOS Burger should know better than to keep their fruit juices for hours in a dispenser that either needed repairs to the cooling mechanism or the temperature needed to be tweaked.
Secondly, a hawker grabbed his greasy towel used for wiping his work surfaces to clean the gravy off my container of food before passing it to me! BLEAH!!
Thirdly, at KFC, the female cashier grabbed a dirty-looking cloth that she had just used to wipe the table and soak up spilled drinks to clean all over the cover of my container of drink!
I tried to dismiss it and walk away but couldn't stand the thought and walked back to ask for a new cover and straw.
I thought that everyone should have an inkling of basic food hygiene? If not, shouldn't these food establishments make sure that their staff undergo some form of basic training that covers simple food hygiene issues before allowing them to serve food?
If good food hygiene isn't practiced, it can lead to customers falling ill after consuming the food and/or drinks. We simply cannot afford to be lax in this matter.
Have you made any observations regarding this issue lately? What are your thoughts? Should more be done to improve the standard of food hygiene here?