Originally posted by the Bear:
well, ADHD doesn't exist...
just like, i would wager, a whole lot of things out there...
i've seen "ADHD" and "ADD" children... anyway, go watch Supernanny... no pills necessary
and most of all, they are just children who are naughty, have too much energy and there is no need to drug them...
what you seem to be advocating is to treat everyone who walks in as a "mental patient" and mollycoddle them with your direction..
my direction is to FIND those who are really in need, hold out our hand and hope they take that hand...
the frauds can all go take a long walk off a short pier...
the trick is to find the frauds.... which means to not treat everyone who walks in as being mentally disturbed..
and just like that JC kid, sometimes, we can't help them.. we can try but they choose death... sometimes, there is no reason why people kill themselves... looking at things like BDD? does it really help? would BDD be proven to be a pile of hogwash?
it doesn't matter..
that boy which is the bone of your contention, he chose death.. what could we do? put him in a straitjacket? we can't help those who reject our help..
and what more.. the more charlatans we entertain, the fewer real cases we can help...
sometimes, i sound hard, i sound harsh... but ultimately, which way becomes more effective?
"anyway" works in different ways
And based on what do you claim that ADHD doesn't exist? Just cause of what that ONE doc says? I'm sorry but I'm not that easily convinced because if that MD is unable to provide strong evidence to back his case, I'm not about to help propagate his idea.
And you've heard of docs who want to make a name for themselves, right? Well, a great last-ditch attempt to make everyone sit up and notice your name would be to do what he just did - refute ADHD.
That ADHD doesn't exist is a suggestion I'd love to explore, but until I read conclusive scientific evidence to back this up, it remains an interesting idea and possibility to me.
And don't tell me to go watch some Hollywood movie to know what are ADHD kids!
And since when did I suggest this : "what you seem to be advocating is to treat everyone who walks in as a "mental patient" and mollycoddle them with your direction.." Hell, I've always stood by proper diagnosis being made, not by me, nosiree, because I'm just a humble Missy, but by a professional - a Psychologist, one of them MD's who work in the IMH. Do you think they will consider "everyone who walks in" as a mental patient? I'm not about to waste my time on mollycuddling and you're truly mistaken and a real lousy judge of character if you think that I'm the mollycuddling sort!
And by saying this : "my direction is to FIND those who are really in need, hold out our hand and hope they take that hand...", well, just how do you propose to do that? You aren't trained to "find those who are really in need" so let the professionals do their job. And yet, when that JC boy was officially diagnosed by MD's as having BDD, you refute existence of the BDD as a valid psychological diagnosis.
Sorry, but you contradict yourself, IMO. You're trying to sound like you empathise with those who are truly diagnosed with mental disorders but yet, you seem unconvinced that such diagnosis truly exist.
Contrary to what most laymen think, mental disorders like Schizophrenia, does not render the person easily detectable, as in, a mildly Schizophrenic person may actually walk in our midst, and appear very normal, and nobody would be wiser to the truth! We need to change our perception of how someone with a mental / psychological disorder will appear to be like. You'd be stunned, your prim and proper Mr Executive in his Shenton Office might just be a mild Schizo!
So might that passenger standing right beside you on the crowded MRT train!