Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:
Have u ever seen a child diagnosed with ADHD before? A severe case of ADHD?
How about Autism? For many years, " the medical community generally believed autism was a psychological disturbance caused by detached, or uncaring mothers (refrigerator mothers.)" Do you think it is a true case of brain disorder or another fradulent diagnosis?
yes i have seen children and even adults w ADHD and Autism. but not in real life...thru documentaries.
well, more focus is due to brain structure anomalities.
e.g increased serotonin levels in children w autism, brain deficits esp. in prefrontal cortex, amygdala, thalamus.
some causes of autism: chromosomal defects eg. in fragile X children, german measles, Phenylketonuria (PKU), co-morbidity w other disorders.
probably a better way of relating unresponsive mothers to child's need affect the way the parent-child attachment and child's development of self identity. but not a direct cause for autism. as the child already has deficits in mental processesing due to brain abnormalies in the first place.
a corrective way to treat a child w autism: teach social skills, encourage pro-social behavior and etc.
it is a myth that children w ADHD can outgrow their symtomps, as stats have shown that childhood ADHD still affect adults. it would be best to seek medical help asap as ADHD has been known to co morbid w other disorders. early treatment lowers the risk of the child to have worse behaviors eg. from ADHD to CD (affects basic daily functions, and adacamic achievements).
co-morbids with DCD, LD, CD. (developmental co ordination disorder, learning disorder, conduct disorder)
causes: teratogens eg. lead,lesser activity in the prefrontal cortex, overactivity in the senorimotor regions (hence less inhibitions for the wrong type of behavior), different glucose metabolism in these two regions as well.
Ritalin (trade name) has been known to treat pple with ADHD, but not all respond to the medication.
Both pple w autism and ADHD have been known to have deficits in EF (executive functions), the ability to have foresight, self-rugulation, inhibitions, making decisions, organization and planning.