I have the movie V for Vendeta in my mind.
I'm not saying that I find other heroes sexy and faint infront of the screen when seeing them. But V from the movie mentioned above... well I don't know... he reminds me of a crazed Shakespeare (not that I wouldn't like Shakespeare, I like sane Shakespeare). I got disturbed by his long speeches, he used looooonnngggg endless sentences... (Oh my God, that's probably the real British English!!!) ... and the mask gave him even the look of Shakespeare who went nuts or used too much Extasy in his techno party.
If I was some unlucky lucky woman safed by him and he would start his loooongg speech, I would either say "Shut up and kiss me" or (and this is more probable as I would be turned off by his monologue) I would try to resuscitate the bad and now lucky men (because they don't have to listen to him) who wanted to rape me or kill me or rob me or whatever and beg them to safe me and do with me whatever they want. If they were more then dead, I would probably scream Heeeeellllppppp meeee, saaaafffeeee meeee!!! Heeeellppp meeee, saaaaffffeeee meeeeee!!! and get hysterical and hope my hystery makes him shut up and go away, or atleast shut up.
I wouldn't dare to faint nor fall asleep (maybe I would pay him to help me to fall asleep during the nights when I just can't sleep) because I am afraid he would take me to his residence and when I would wake up, I would have to suffer from his looooonnnngggg sentences. That is not manly man! We women have the sole right to talk too much!
Why can't he use simple and short sentences with "lah" on the end of each?