well, these days, people are becoming a lot larger
sideways too
but i think this is because we're eating much better, eating more protein, eating more.. basically
the other bit, where they become more "daring"... i would think that maybe it's not really more "daring" or anything.. i would say a lot of them are now more cynical and jaded...
in the past, looking at the "technology" of the day, we have done the same things as the young 'uns are doing with the technology of today, coz we did "modify" our toys, and all that by adding more rubber bands to the catapults.. you know.. greasy kid's stuff
however, then, maybe it was a more innocent time, a time when we didn't really care about how "cool" (read cynical) we were, and we could safely look at things in wonder, slack-jawed and in awe..
today, it would be "uncool" to be in awe, to look at things in wonder, to want to know and pursue knowledge with enthusiasm... i don't know why... they would rather "look cool" and look at everything with disdain and dismiss things that are new... and would say the most terrible thing like "boring" or "sian", as if the world was there to entertain them while they sneer at everything...
so in order to, like you say, illicit a "wow" from peers who are as cynical and jaded as they are, they would do silly things... or just to "feel something" because they have become apathetic, they have become jaded themselves, they would attempt something which is, on hindsight, stupid...
it is a worrying trend...
maybe it is the pressures of being young these days where curiousity and the joys of learning something new is being stifled by the jackhammering in "education"...
mayhap we should relook our "education" and try to inspire in the youth the joys of discovering new things, new knowledge..
perhaps, there is a need to change the parents' mindset in order to stop the parents from hothousing the children by innundating them with tuition classes every day... and let their children have a proper childhood...
so, baby, to answer your question, no.. it's not just you.. the youth are becoming physically larger, but maybe it's the age we live in, they have become more cynical, more apathetic and a lot more jaded...