yes there are, arent they? Lots of losers who could only take it out on small vulnerable animals.
Where I stay in Bedok, there are really A LOT of stray cats... to release my cat to be a stray.. Hmm seems to be quite ineffectual. .. the stray cats around my area looks fatter than my cat man.
And Hmm.. if there is a pervert in this area.. would probably target at the numerous stray cats ... rather than take mine... but sigh.. if my kitty really so damn suay happen to meet up a pervert, who happen to stay on the floors near mine, who happen to see her when she escaped on that day...... sigh.. ....
I been sleeping in my living room with my door open past few days, leaving some food outside the door hope she comes back. Quite funny though, this ginger cat from I dunno where came and ate the food.
now.. my only hope is some kid.. maybe.. took a fancy to her... sigh.. isn't she cute?

This is her, sitting on top of my computer... looking at me while I type. I dont have much better pictures of her. But she is BLACK, stumpy tail, yellow eyes, bigger than this picture now, but the svelte type not the roundround type of cat.
I am thinking of leaving a cage at the stairwell, and just beg the person to just put her inside... maybe that person now dont know what to do, if release scared neighbours would know.. etc.. so with a cage at stairwell can do it anonymously middle of the night or something....