I guess some folks feel it's kewl to be seen thus. Others might have other reasons.
I know I was cynical and at times jaded, for a long while, no doubts about it. Too much heartache in too short a space of time, perpetal struggle whilst living a hand-to-mouth existence, family member(s) not in good health and in various stages of deterioration and dying, etc...
Whilst it doesn't mean that having it tough means you have an excuse to be bitter and cynical and jaded, you can't deny that it IS a huge contributing factor. Nobody's born cynical or jaded, but sometimes, it's the overwhelming problems in life that pushes one in that direction. Often, it could be a cry for help gone awry. This is another angle to look at it.
Now, my situation in life is much better. I no longer live hand-to-mouth, I'm taking control of my finances because I earn enough (FINALLY!), my job is far from perfect but it's as good as it gets for now, and I find that I no longer feel cynical nor bitter nor jaded anymore! Remove all the things that used to worry me sick and I find that I'm a happier person now.
It's easy to feel disdain for those who are trapped in cynicism and jadedness, but I think if we can't offer a helping hand to pull them out of the quagmire, let's not make remarks that will stomp them deeper into the pits. Nobody loves to be that way... but sometimes, bad situations in life cause some folks to become thus. Not endorsing that response, but just saying that it happens, just like it happened to me.
As for the bored, I got nothing much to say except - Entertain Yourself!
When I used to be in chatrooms donkey years ago, I used to say, "I'm not responsible for entertaining you!"