Out of curiosity, how much is your monthly electricity and/or gas bill?Originally posted by jetta:Wah, I'm so glad to hear that I have company. Streamie, that's interesting, cheaper power after 8pm. I'm going to find out if we have such a thing here.
You know, I just heard on my morning show that you should unplug appliances when not in use. Even on standby mode, you're wasting energy.
I've never heard of this before Tell me more?Originally posted by littlestream:Hee hee..........
Well, we all are in the house. But we do keep some lights on 'cos MIL said a house need to have light for feng shui thingy.
Electric bill is about $150 only because I have that black hole of a pool in the backyard. . That's why I can't wait to move out of this house.Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:Out of curiosity, how much is your monthly electricity and/or gas bill?
Do you help with the bills?Originally posted by Ito_^:my toilet lights on even if the door is closed.
u say leh?
my mom always nag nag me.
are you sure they give rebates?Originally posted by jetta:I'm the energy police here in my house. I'll go around turning lights and electronics off if no one's in the room. Anyone here the same? The govt gives us rebates for using energy saving devices so I've changed out all the light bulbs with energy saving ones and have gotten energy saving appliances and eletronics.
My neighbour across street tells me her family is used to walking in the dark in the house, she's that bad.
Originally posted by dragg:are you sure they give rebates?
Thanks bear.Originally posted by the Bear:she ain't in singapore
wow, i'm proud of you.Originally posted by udontknowme:the people in my house turn whatever they like on and never bother to switch them off.
im the one who walks around the house to switch stuff off.
so much so that they rely on me to do stuff like that.
so if i go to bed earlier than the rest, but they left the lights on, i am the one who gets scolded the next day.
cos apparently, its my responsibility now...wtf.
i used to be very conscious about using electricity for heavy appliances such as washing machine during non-peak hours (such as midnight). Unfortunately, can't do that now cos i can't take the risk of allowing the laundry to be hit by an overnight shower.Originally posted by littlestream:Hee hee..........
Well, we all are in the house. But we do keep some lights on 'cos MIL said a house need to have light for feng shui thingy.
My contributions are I use heavy duty appliances after 8pm 'cos that's when the rates are cheaper. Meaning I do my laundry and run the dishwasher after 8pm.
Other than that, we are pretty good. Only 3 of us mah.
edit: remove redundant word. really mata portek
i only heard dimmers will shorten the lifespan of bulbs that r nt build to adjust the brightness...Originally posted by JLennon:i used to be very conscious about using electricity for heavy appliances such as washing machine during non-peak hours (such as midnight). Unfortunately, can't do that now cos i can't take the risk of allowing the laundry to be hit by an overnight shower.
i use energy saving bulbs or dimmers where possible (although i am not really sure whether dimmers do help in saving electricity. can anyone confirm?)
i heard about that too. currently using halogen bulbs which should hopefully be dimmer-resistant.Originally posted by alwaysdisturbed:i only heard dimmers will shorten the lifespan of bulbs that r nt build to adjust the brightness...
Dear Police,,may I ask is it an offence for walking in the dark in your own house? Prosecute her if you are sure of it...Originally posted by jetta:My neighbour across street tells me her family is used to walking in the dark in the house, she's that bad.
Originally posted by king108:Dear Police,,may I ask is it an offence for walking in the dark in your own house? Prosecute her if you are sure of it...
I even worst..half naked in my own home..because I don't even use fan..
please make sure that you know its which half...Originally posted by king108:Dear Police,,may I ask is it an offence for walking in the dark in your own house? Prosecute her if you are sure of it...
I even worst..half naked in my own home..because I don't even use fan..
Don't worry..I alway keep my bird covered from getting cold...so that it will no caught flu..Originally posted by udontknowme:please make sure that you know its which half...
later the wrong half then will