no lah.. the story of Cupid and Psyche..
Venus was jealous of the beauty of Psyche so she instructed Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the vilest creature ever...
everyone looked at Psyche in admiration but none wanted her for a wife, and when her parents consulted the Oracle, it told them that she was fated to be with a monster and not a mortal
well, instead Cupid took Psyche away but she did not know who he was...
Psyche's sisters, jealous of her as she was with child, told her that rumour said that she had married a giant serpent which will devour her child when the child was born.. they suggested that she light a lamp at night and kill her husband.. she agreed
however, when she lit the lamp, she recognised Cupid but a drop of oil woke him up and he was angry and flew off to heaven.. Psyche held on as long as she could but soon fell... chastised by Cupid for disobedience even when he himself had disobeyed Venus...
Pan, then advised Psyche to win back Cupid's love through good works...
Psyche went to several temples of gods but they did not help her.. when she went into Venus' temple, she was condemned by Venus and made to complete a few almost impossible tasks which she completed..
enraged, Venus made Psyche go to Hades to get "beauty" from the goddess of the underworld.. Psyche decided that the fastest way to get to the underworld was to throw herself off a tower and die.. however, the tower taught her the way into Hades and back again...
however, when she came out of Hades with the box of "beauty", she opened it to "take a bit of beauty for herself" (
) and sleep overcame her instead...
Cupid, by then had forgiven her, wiped the sleep off her face and sent her on her way.. he then flew to heaven and begged Zeus to help them.. after a formal council of the gods, it was decreed that Psyche would wed Cupid and she was made immortal..
there.. (phew!) nothing to do with the x-men
Originally posted by kopiosatu:
u talking about xmen ah?