as the subject title says, are you an optimist or a pessimist?
i once knew a person who was a pessimist.. she said that if things were better than what she felt would happen, it'd be a bonus and she'd be happier..
however, no matter how good things were, she'd find something wrong with it and in the end, she was miserable.. always finding something to be depressed about..
on the other hand, i'm now an optimist, and probably one of those people you'd hate for being psychotically and chronically happy... even when things blow up in my face, i'll find something to be thankful for and then, look on the bright side of things, pick myself up and go on... and if things do work out, i'm happy...
well, that's my view..
what's yours? coz it would be valuable to read the views of the pessimists and the optimists

maybe we can learn from each other