What's ur housework style... (seeing that I am attempting to do some clean up now)... issit...
1. Scientific - You have a mental framework of the orbit of every single object belongs to and if they stray from their allocated space/time, you get into a frenzy. Dust belong to another universe. Keeping your earthly lab free from all contaminants is a responsibility you feel that mankind owes each other.
2. Technical - As long as it is technically clean, that is, the +/- 1.3% untidyness and dust is within the accepted range. The machine is working, functional, and really you can't expect it to be completely greasefree if you use it EVERYDAY right?
3. Administrative - You are a lot more tolerant towards dust than mess. The floor can be unswept, the carpet can be left to the cleaners - BUT the filing gotta be done!! The Onions MUST be placed in the basket, there is a place for shoe laces when they are being washed so please put them there. You label every single drawer.
4. Probationary - As long as nobody catches you lah, you only clean if the bosses/parents in law/friends come for a visit. Otherwise, aiyah... how dirty/untidy can it get.....
5. Ecological - It isn't dirty. It's just.. err.. ecologically friendly to a lot of ... living organisms that's all.
None of the above. Hmmm I'm an aspiring Administrative but currently far more Probationary and really occasionally sinking to Ecological standards...

As you can see.. I rather waste time coming out with these posts... that mop.