I aim to finish 2 year's worth of leave in 2007 to break the cycle of carrying leave forward.Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:I never feel like I have enough leave.
Usually previously I clear almost the entire's year allocation of leave.
Except now I get school hols...
21 days of leave. Not allow to bring forward. Must forecast leave entitlement cannot anyhow take urgent leave ( but I dun fark care )Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:we live for leave days.
How many days leave do u have?
Do you tend to try to carry forward ur leave till next year?
Is ur leave pro-rated (given 2-3 days every month) or bochup one? Just one shot take all?
How do u use ur leave days usually and when?!
Do u keep leave for emergency situations?
Originally posted by littlestream:16 days if I take during the summer months (May - Oct) or 20 days if I take during the winter months (Nov - Apr).
No need to guess which one I go for. Surely the winter months lah. So,
20 days vacation days
5 days ill days - can take even if u r not ill
3 days POD - Personal Obligations Day (for appts with doctors, dentist, optometrist, blah, blah, blah)
If I have no travel plans, I usually keep my vacation days for snow storm days.
Originally posted by choco B:Wow... ill days and POD days... your company's HR policies are so elightened...*in awe
I think I should go find out how many ill days we're entitled to and how many I've taken.. after all if we're GIVEN that many ill days , might as well make good use of it ... I'll use it to get more rest and prevent myself from falling ill
11 days ..how come ??how come u being working?Originally posted by Kenashi:11 days only!
so pathetic but i don't care as long as i can knock off on the dot
I have 20 days of leave... they are all pro-rated. I usually one shot take all, in order to go back to visit family & friendsOriginally posted by ShrodingersCat:we live for leave days.
How many days leave do u have?
Do you tend to try to carry forward ur leave till next year?
Is ur leave pro-rated (given 2-3 days every month) or bochup one? Just one shot take all?
How do u use ur leave days usually and when?!
Do u keep leave for emergency situations?
company policy.Originally posted by ha8n:11 days ..how come ??how come u being working?
wrong. we live for pay day.Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:we live for leave days.