A BlobFish
Longnose Chimaera. And I used to think Chimaeras only exist in Fantasy tales...
"Chimaeras are primitive fishes and are closely related to sharks. Chimaeras have scaleless skin, and eggs that are encapsulated in horny packages. Longnose chimaeras have a gill cover which covers four gill slits. Longnose Chimaeras also have a venomous spine on the dorsal fin. Longnose Chimaeras are believe tofeed on invertebrates and various other fishes. "
Northern Seadevil
"This appears to be a Ceratias holboelli Krøyer's deep sea anglerfish or Northern Seadevil. Not much is known about these strange fish. This is obviously a female
since the males are much smaller and are sort of like parasites. They connect to the females and live off of them like a parasite, except they also serve reproductive purposes. "
Hmm. interesting social structure.
Coffin Fish. Wonder why its Coffin.
"The coffinfish is a bottom dwelling fish that lives in deep waters in Southwest Pacific around Austrailia and Tasmania. Coffinfish can inflate theirselves like puffer fish but also have a small lure on thier head like anglerfish. "