What type of books are you interested in? Fiction? Non-fiction? Biographies? Horror/sci-fi/crime etc?Originally posted by dakkon_blackblade:I cut out the Borders 30% discount coupon from today's Straits Times. Gonna get something this weekend. Any recommendations?
Actually I've already thought of one possible book - Madness Explained by Richard Bentall. I'm very captivated by the title, which seems to purport to explain the irrational.Originally posted by SydneyLibrarian:What type of books are you interested in? Fiction? Non-fiction? Biographies? Horror/sci-fi/crime etc?
Try some of the suggested books in hereOriginally posted by dakkon_blackblade:Actually I've already thought of one possible book - Madness Explained by Richard Bentall. I'm very captivated by the title, which seems to purport to explain the irrational.
Or else, I might just get Atonement by Ian McEwan. I've been wanting to get that for some time.
Or you might want to recommend something else. I'm interested in novels, popular science and history.
x2...Originally posted by Rhonda:Still reading the book I started last month!Been kinda too tired after work to read much besides the newspapers and mags.
Hey, I read High Fidelity too, quite a while back!Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:Just finished reading a couple of old books cos I adopted them from my Godsis who's leaving the country...
High Fidelity by Nick HOrnby
Enjoyed this book... I like the relentlessly honest way its written... Rob, the guy in the story is so hopelessly lost in the ways of humankind and relationships.
But I read tons of mags and newspapers leh! Counted annot, har?Originally posted by wuming78:x2...
den when weekend comes, spend most of the time catching up wif frens and unwinding, and so dont read much too.