well, this is one of the things that has been bugging me.. people who say they "cannot do math" and people who "can do math"
i've always thought math, all you needed to do for the level we do, is to look at the problem with a different perspective... and to use the different types of tools to solve it..
all you need is a good teacher to show the way and light the path...
those who "say they cannot" (note the quotation marks) seem to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to convince others they cannot.. instead of using the imagination and effort into understanding the problem and finding ways to solve it... i wager, if you did use the time and effort towards the problem, you'd solve it.. and from there, build on it and the mind becomes more adept at mathematical stuff...
before the flamethrowers come out, here's the deal of why i say these things:
i could not.. but someone taught me to be imaginative and to go for it.. and showed me the way... and yes, i saw.. and saw that (our level) math isn't that difficult.. all it took was a different perspective, and effort with the will to do it.. you can..
my sister too.. there was once i broke an equation into 17 colour-coded lines for her when it could be done in 3 lines.. she could not at that time because she refused to see it... trying more to convince me that she could not.. but ultimately, she scored A1 for her E-Math and passed her AO Math..
so... what do you think? i don't believe "cannot means cannot" while the person shows so much creativity, effort and will just to show that he cannot
(p.s. this does not mean the insanely complex math required for stuff like Fermat, Goldbach or Riemann Hypothesis