Originally posted by elindra:
Av where is the mee siam mai hum
I would have done that experiment if I eat hum
I'm procrastinating
In the meantime, from the folks at talkingcock.com...
Chee to Go on Hungry Strike
Posted on Sunday, September 17, 2006
Topic: Politics
by Nyonya Kway
After his plans to march from Speakers Corner to Parliament House were thwarted by police, opposition politician Dr. Chee Soon Juan has said that he intends to continue his protests by going on a ‘hungry strike’.
“This is not like the time where he went on a hunger strike while still consuming glucose solution,” said Singapore Democratic Party spokesman Yew Soo Ler. “This time, Dr. Chee will eat for democracy because Singaporeans hunger for democracy. Specifically, he will eat mee siam with hum.”
Mr. Yew explained that the choice of dish was based on the Prime Minister’s recent gaffe where he criticized blogger Mr. Brown only to shoot himself in the foot by saying “mee siam mai hum” (mee siam without cockles). “The Prime Minister showed how out of touch he was with the citizens by ordering mee siam without hum. To show that he is a man of the people, Dr. Chee will now order mee siam with hum.”
Surrounded by party supporters and plainsclothes police officers, Dr. Chee proceeded from Speakers Corner at Hong Lim Green to Telok Ayer Food Centre, where he made a beeline for the mee siam stall, much to the surprise of stallholder Mohd Tampar bin Sambal.
“I want mee siam,” said Dr. Chee in a serious voice. “Mee siam ai hum.”
To which his supporters began chanting, “Ai hum, ai hum, ai hum! Ai hum, ai hum, ai hum!”
“Adoi,” remarked Mr. Tampar. “Mengapa dia speaking to me in Hokkien, when I am Malay?”
A translator then informed Mr. Tampar that Dr. Chee wanted a plate of mee siam, with cockles.
“What cockles is he talking?” asked Mr. Tampar. “You orang cina, all very strange. Last week also got one fler in a red shirt and white pants come and order mee siam do’wan hum. Now this fler want hum. Want hum, do’wan hum, alamak, mee siam mana ada hum?”
Eventually, after a long standoff, Dr. Chee was served a plate of mee siam, with hum purchased from the laksa stall nearby.
As he tucked into his dish, Dr. Chee raised a fist in the air and intoned, “I want to show the people of Singapore that unlike the PAP, I can stomach the unpalatable truth.”
At first, police officers tried to prevent Dr. Chee from consuming his meal.
“As a citizen, I have a right to open my mouth! Show me the law which says I cannot eat mee siam with hum!” Dr. Chee shot back.
The police were at a loss, and one officer merely mumbled something about mee siam with hum being against the laws of nature.
As it turned out, the statement was kind off prophetic as after his fourth mouthful, Dr. Chee had to rush to answer the call of nature.
“This is the state of Singaporean democracy!” he shouted as he dashed off.