I'm into my 5th month in Melbourne already and I've come to realise that the folks here can be loosely categorised into three groups when it comes to interactions with Asians :
1 - Those who don't know much about Asia and have not ventured far outside Australia and even if they have toured in Asia, they probably never tried to immerse themselves in the diverse culture and they return with Australia none the wiser;
2 - Those who know / don't know about Asia but don't give a hoot anyways because they generally have a negative opinion of Asians. Doesn't matter if it's just one nationality / group of people, as long as you're not 'one of them', you're not kewl.
3 - Those who have travelled / worked in Asia and have Asian friends and made an attempt to reach out to people who are different and thus broaden their horizons.
After encountering too many from Categories 1 and 2, it was refreshing recently to meet Aussies who are accepting of cultural differences. This morning, I had a patient and her husband play a guessing game when I stepped out of their room and when I returned, they asked, "Are you from Singapore / Malaysia?" and I was surprised they could tell so I said, "Singapore! How did you guess?" And they said, "Well, your English is good! You can't be from China!"
And how about another couple who have travelled extensively in Asia, including Singapore, and the minute they found out where I'm from, they exclaimed, "You must miss the food and the shopping back home! It's so clean and pretty and safe in your country!"
It's really interesting to meet lots of folks and gather from their vibes what they think about people of your kind.
I don't mind having honest talks with the folks I know, to explain cultural nuances to them. I mean, at least, they are interested. What I find challenging, is when someone speaks to me slowly and loudly, assuming that I have a low English language ability, or when they make assumptions based on your skin colour.
The world is getting smaller, what with air-travel and the internet breaking down barriers. It's frightening to see how myopic some big nations can be! I mean, before you can play a "big brother" role (with absolutely no references to that crappy show, excuse me!), shouldn't you at least get to know your 'li'l brothers' well enough?
Anyways, this is just me, sharing one of my observations here.