Originally posted by 10dollar:
How happy are u as compared as to when you are in singapore?
Please Be Honest
OK, here's my two cents' worth :
How happy are you as compared to when you are in SG?Happy in some areas, OK in others, not-so-happy in some others. I mean, there is no perfect place in this world where you'll be 100% happy and you really have to take the good with the bad and the big question is, when you weigh in the good against the bad, which stacks up more.
For me, I am happier here overall.
Do u miss Singapore? But of course! My family and my buddies and friends are all there!
I also miss the kopitiams and food courts and restaurants and in general, the fact that you can eat out cheaply.
I miss all the sinful local foods!
I miss the sights. I miss hanging out with friends at the Esplanade by Singapore River, gorging myself silly at the Makansutra place near it or at the Food Court in Marina, hanging out with buddies at the... gosh, have forgotten the name of that lovely coffee place that serves lovely food and desserts as well (branches in Great World City, Holland V and below Shaw Lido).
I miss going out with my parents for dinner at one of the hawker centres. Dad always brings us out to the best food places.
I miss the conveyor sushi places.
I miss the wonderful fresh and lovely seafood in the zhi char or restaurants in SG. ANd oh man, compared to eating out here, the price is cheap, man! (I shall never complain about food in SG being 'expensive' again, ever!
I miss the relatively convenient public transport, esp the affordable taxi service! (I shall never complain about public transport and taxis in SG ever again!
I miss the shopping belt! The sales aren't so fantastic but oh, the range of products you can get there!! SG imports from all over and the extensive variety you have is simply incredible!!
However, what I do not miss is living in HDB flats where your neighbours do the "aaaaaaack... PUI!" thang!
Also do not miss the crowds, shall never miss being pushed and shoved!
Don't miss the shallow SG men there who have very typical notions of 'beauty'. Yawn! And definitely do not miss how harsh the general public in SG can be on people who are 'of generous proportions', nosiree!
Don't miss the working conditions for my profession back home.
How do u like it over at your new country? I like it!
I can take the bad with the good.
Here, I'm a 'second class citizen' and yes, I do feel discriminated against in certain ways. THere are also more drunks and drug addicts about, esp in my neighbourhood late at night on weekends, esp. The public transport system isn't so fantastic and if you don't drive and don't own a car, you're very isolated in your own li'l niche.
I like how FREE I feel!
Nobody tells me I'm fat anymore and they genuinely do not categorise me as 'fat' at all!
And there are men who choose their women based on character and they have had fat and skinny girlfriends before so you know they walk the talk, unlike in SG where it's mostly just hot air.
I like the sales here! They are really sales! I mean, if things are 60-80% off, that is a SALE!
I LOVE my new pay, compared to what I used to get in SG!
Enuff said!
I love how you can be free to be who you want to be and not feel like you have to conform to a norm over here.
I like the healthier lifestyle I live now, in part due to all the walking I have to do, and in part due to the fact that quick and easy lard-laden, fried foods are no longer available or if available, aren't cheap and accessible.
I like the possibilities I have. I can own my own apartment / little townhouse!
I can also learn how to drive and own my own little car!
And I can do all these without going broke!
Is easy to get a job? Depends on which industry you're in. In my industry, hell, YES!