Heard my colleague talking about this movie with a patient and it piqued my interest!

Some of you must have read the book already. Here's the movie, don't miss it!

It's odd that this movie is classified under the following genres : Drama, Thriller, Adaptation and Politics/Religion
BTW, it's slated to be released in the States on Nov 17. Wonder when it'll be released in SG...
And oh, McD's is running a huge campaign with TV ads in Aussieland telling people that their chicken nuggets and Chicken burgers are made with chix meat and not the yucky parts. (What comes to mind is Jamie Oliver and the yucky chix bits he threw into the food processor to mix into this mushy stuff that he told the schoolkids in his show is used to make chix nuggets!

Read the book before watching the movie?
Darnit... my copy is back home in SG!