Thank you all for your wishes, I landed safely liao.
It was a good visit. I have to admit that my dad seems to have improved in spirits since I came. Mostly, I sat beside him, held his hand and stroke him gently. Although he can't really hear well, we talked, we joked, we laughed. And he still has his wits and humour. But I felt heartbroken to see his sad look when I bid farewell.
He asked when I will return again. Oh, painful. That spears my heart.
But I am strong. I won't let him see me cry.
I didn't do much sight-see. Mostly, I toggle between dad's and mother-in-law. But I surprised myself with my shopping.
I didn't explore much though. I guess I bought a lot one place at a time.
The bonus of this trip is meeting sg forumites. I am honoured and touched.
Hmm.....let me deliberate if I should do a run-down of the individuals I met.