Dear Uncle Ezra,
It is traditionally known the left ring finger is reserved for the wedding/engagement rings. But what about other fingers? What are the connotations carried by wearing rings on certain fingers? Everyone seems to have their own ideas about this subject, but I would hate to mistakingly imply things.
a confused Cornellian
Dear Confused Cornellian,
You're exactly right that people have their own ideas on this subject, because different countries and cultures attribute different meanings to ring placement. You're unlikely to find one strict rule that applies to everyone, excepting that the third finger (not counting the thumb) of the left hand is used in western culture for the engagement band and wedding ring.
Specific information on the meaning of other fingers is hard to find. Elyse Kantrowitz, a student volunteer here last year who did an outstanding job, spoke with a jewelry shop clerk who had overheard a Vietnamese man explaining how the index finger means you're taken, the middle means you're looking, and the pinky means you're not interested. Elyse couldn't find verification of this for Vietnam or any culture, but something similar is described in THE STORY OF JEWELRY: A POPULAR ACCOUNT OF THE LURE, LORE, SCIENCE AND VALUE OF GEMS AND NOBLE METALS IN THE MODERN WORLD, by Marcus Baerwald and Tom Mahoney (Abelard-Schuman; 1960); Olin NK 7304 B14. Chapter XII, "Bridal and Other Rings," claims:
"It wasn't always the custom, as it is today, to wear wedding and engagement rings on the third finger of the left hand. The Roman Catholics did not use the left hand until the middle of the eighteenth century, and in most European countries, from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries, wedding rings were worn on the right hand, on practically any finger. The little finger was often favored because it is the least active. Some women wore their marriage rings on their thumbs as servants in particular were likely to be impressed by big thumb rings. In India, wedding rings have long been worn on the thumb.
"An interesting sidelight on this question of where to wear the ring is provided by a custom prevalent in certain parts of Europe up to a century ago. If a girl wasn't interested at all in marriage, she wore a ring on her little finger. If she changed her mind, she switched it to the first finger. If she were already married, she wore it on the second or middle finger; and if she were betrothed, on the third finger. In the Middle Ages, some of the more dashing young men-about-town dangled bethrothal rings from their hat bands as a lure to attract girls."
Sounds like a good reason to revive the wearing of hats, or at least create a common understanding of what different finger-placements mean for rings! That would eliminate a lot of the confusion I hear about "is s/he or is s/he not available?" Then again, some people would rather not wear that information on their, um, their finger.
Uncle Ezra
Originally posted by laurence82:
ok i am even worse
somebody tell me the name of all fingers first
and i wear rings on both of my middle fingers
means what?
A ring on this finger can announce that the person is unsure of personal roles or a place in society. Many times you will find a person linking the tip of the third finger with the tip of the thumb. This is a direct effort to enhance willpower with the support of total ego. It will be difficult to convince this person of any new concepts or to win any verbal or strategic confrontation.