Originally posted by DeadPoet:
I got this psychological test via email many years ago from one of my ex-colleagues. I don’t have the original test with me but it goes something like this –
"You are in the middle of a jungle. You start off with the following five animals i.e. a monkey, a fox, a lion, a rabbit and a wolf. To escape the jungle you have to abandon them one by one along your journey. Please state, in order, starting from the first animal you decided to abandon and why."
If you have done this test before, please ignore it.

I won't follow the lion... Lions don't belong in jungles but open plains. I would be hallucinating if I saw a lion

Rabbit.... with so many predators around, the rabbit would have disappeared into it's burrow, plus they don't wander far from their burrows
Monkey. It be swinging around and most likely back to it's comrades which could be deeper into the jungle so forget it
Wolf. They hunt in packs and if it is a lone wolf, it is either lost or abandoned and most prob doesn't know where it is going either
Fox. Most likely to try to sneak out of jungle to find it's way into civilization. They are known to be loners and very common in cities in Britain or some place and the least sighted. Therefore, I'll go with the fox plus they do like an easy meal like a chicken out of a coop