Originally posted by jetta:
Do you enjoy your current job? If "no", how far off the mark are you from your dream job and what made you do what you do for a living today?
Like everyone else, some days, I love my job. Other days, I wanna pack up and leave in a jiffy or else I'll go insane or worse, go postal! !
Anyways, interesting that you've started this thread, jetta, since I've been thinking about starting a similar thread 'the next time I log on', which is now!
So, here's my take on this since I've done some dreaming recently!
- If I were born smarter, I'd love to be a scientist!
Work in a lab, wearing a white coat, preferably work with viruses and bacteria... maybe, be a Virologist!
- If I were more of an entrepreneur / risk-taker, I would love to purchase / develop property, then get involved in the interior design aspect and rent / sell the property.
- Be a Cat-Mama!
Run a 'cattery' taking care of abandoned / sick / handicapped cats or providing temporary shelter for cats when their owners have to travel.
But the above are really far-fetched.
What I think are more achievable are these :
- To be a scriptwriter.
I always have 'mini-movies' running in my head cause I'm forever dreaming up plots.
- To be a writer. I've got a few ideas since arriving here and I'm just DYING to own a PC so that I can start writing proper!
I want to start writing short fiction first, as a kinda start-up.
I'll start with whimsical, light-hearted stuff first. Akan Datang! I'm still toying with the creation of a few characters and storylines.
- To be a professional cook / baker!
I think it would be too difficult to become a Chef at this stage, so I'll be content just attending professional culinary courses and wow... to someday print my own cookbook... whoa...
- To be a florist, cause I love love love flowers and plants and I love flower arrangement!
Got more dreams... but I think enough liao!
PS. My greatest dream is to be a 'Controller of Domestic / Internal Affairs'!
Or, be the CEO of My Household, Inc!