the idiots who are trying to institutionalise "innovation" and dragged me into that fricken committee are probably asking themselves why now
got hammered with a task to go have a chat with people about "innovation" and how to ensure it happens in the workplace...
the result i will write to them is.. and i quote:
"Innovation is vastly overrated as ultimately, the mission of the organisation is dependent on our staff carrying out their duties and responsibilities. Innocation is not and should never be seen as something which can be imposed on the various work units by setting a quota, or worse, by repeating a mantra until it happens."
and a parting shot of:
"... when innovation within a workplace is "ensured", it stops being "innovation". The fun and spontaneity of discovery is lost, and with it, the wonder of true innovation disappears into a bureaucratic "necessity" and "KPI".
Perhaps innovation can be coddled, but it can never be imposed, ensured or implemented."
i see myself being kicked out of the bloody committee soon