On Friday, 19 March, I woke up to the faint sound of the roar of race cars. I thought I was dreaming but then, I gradually realised that it was cause I was living pretty near to the Grand Prix racetrack and in that quiet morn, the sound actually carried over to my neighbourhood!!
On Sunday afternoon, when I hit Bridge Road after finishing a day shift, I heard the faint roar of the race cars again!
Omigosh! I was soooo excited!! I wanted to be a part of the Grand Prix! But there was no one to go with me!
I didn't want to go alone because when I get really excited, I kinda flap my arms and want to scream and shout and jump up and down, and judging from the hyper-rate my heart was beating at when I saw that lone race car doing its demo thing for us and hearing its roar sending vibrations into the ground, I think I'd better go with someone in case they thought I was schizo!
Anyways, back to Lygon Street on that fateful day...
A few steps from the parked Ferrari's on display and the crowd swells with anticipation of the Race Car Demo, followed by the 60 Ferrari Cars Calvacade!
The lucky devils living in the apartments right next to the demo grounds!!
Two dudes even climbed up onto their rooftops to get a bird's eyeview of the action.
Here it comes!!! Here it comes!!! Here it comes!!!!! Yessssss!!! Listen to the roar, no, the RRRrrrOARRrrrrrrrrr of the angry-sounding engine! Yesssss!! Now, I know why they called it 'The Fast and the FURIOUS' because ooooh... the ROARRRRrrrr!!!!
It zoomed down the street to the end of the barricades, did a really skillful and tight about-turn (or whatever you call it, sorry, I'm not good at the technical stuff), vrrrRRRRRrroooooooooooom!! Screeeeeeeeeech!!! Look at the tyre burn marks!!!!
The merest pause of a heartbeat as the driver regains his direction, he steps on the brakes, disciplined in his restraint to stick to the imposed 60km/hr speed limit for this demo, and VVVVvvvvRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrroooooooooom!!! The red dragon snorts its fiery breath...
And off it goes, sounding like an angry giant hornet!
I've never heard and seen a real race car this close... and I tell you, it's a jaw-dropping, knee-weakening, pulsating heartbeat of an experience!!