blogosphere: Singapore's talent leakLosing even 0.5 per cent of the nation's top talent will hurt Singapore, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said in Iran last month. Digital Life looks at what bloggers feel about this issue
More porous society"The fact is Singapore has become a much more porous society. Hence, more people will come in and go out of Singapore.
"Singapore is not the only country that experiences the movement of young people overseas. New Zealand itself also faces the same problem - it is struggling to contain the movement of its young people to Australia. NZ has more established traditions than Singapore and is certainly not a poor country. Its people probably feel a greater sense of identity and the country has a far more open political climate. Yet, it still faces a tremendous problem of retaining its young people."
Reasons to leave "I have to admit I belong to the group that desires a life away from this island if given the chance. Why I feel life for me would be better elsewhere?
1. Life is tough here in the city, and its only going to get tougher.
2. Our nation's plan for a fulfilling life is A) the promotion of money worship and the pursuit of material goods. There is no plan B.
3. I am afraid of growing old here. I hear in some countries they treat old people with respect and dignity. Here, old people are seen as a problem.
4. My country doesn't value my opinion.
5. My country doesn't value my or anybody else's freedom.
6. I want a better life for my child. See points 1 to 5."
No sense of belonging"The subject came to whether there's a sense of rooted-ness in Singaporeans. All of us felt that there isn't much of a sense of belonging in Singapore. I thought that the most striking comment from a friend was regarding how Singapore government will not "take care" of Singaporeans.
"Singapore has placed a premium on individual effort since independence. The state must avoid the "welfare" model of the West like the plague. My friend's reasoning was that since the government says it will not "take care" of Singaporeans, she has to take care of herself. And that being the case, whoever offers the best price gets her loyalty because she has to ensure that her future is well-taken care of."