Firstly, you need to consult your doc about that blood pressure. The latest news suggests systolic BP of 140mmHg and above to be considered 'hypertensive' but I think this is more an effort to be politically correct in the face of too many people scoring Systolic 130mmHg.
You need a doc to run tests to conclude if it's stress-induced and not early-onset hypertension. BTW, Singapore has more and more hypertensive peeps diagnosed in their 20's nowadays.
It's hard to ask you to relax and slow down in the fast-paced Singapore society. However you do need to find a way of destressing, be it talking it out with friends, taking some time-off during your vacations, or whatever. Pace yourself. I know you want to do well in your studies but you have to acknowledge your limitations and meet your basic needs for R&R too.
EAsier said than done. In my 20's, I was a Type A at work.
And then, I became diagnosed with early hypertension (because of hereditary factors
) and was put on Beta Blockers which slows me down so much I can't be fast now even if I wanted to.
Your Diastolic BP is still decent, which suggests that it's more likely than not to be a case of stress-induced hypertension. But I won't take that as a conclusive diagnosis because what with lifestyle factors and diet and hereditary factors playing a huge role, you really can't play it too safe so go get checked out.
Other than that, I cannot suggest anything to prevent burnout short of a total time-off to just R&R. I was totally burnt out for years and couldn't get out of the rut until now, and that's cause I've physically removed myself from the lifestyle in SG and have finally more-or-less settled down here.
Good luck in finding your own oasis amidst the tumultuous sea of stressful living there!