hey rhonda, and everyone else.. hope everyone is well

here we go:
Questions :
1. What type of place do you live in?
conservation townhouse
2. Who does most of the housework? Why?
me. cos the other person who lives here doesn't....
3. How would you describe the condition of your room?
bachelorically inviting....
4. If budget is not a problem, how would you decorate your house? What kind of style?
minimalistic with few colours, even one colour with different tones. my photographs on the walls will add colour to the place... nothing else should distract. very ego....
5. In your opinion, which is the most important room in the house? Why?
bedroom. the second question is personal.
6. Is your house always in a clean, organised condition and ready to receive guest without prior notice? Or do you feel uncomfortable having guests over without prior notice?
it is always disorganised and not always clean, but at the same time i'm happy to receive guests anytime. altho, i don't mind doesn't mean they also don't.

7. Dust Bunnies Test - Do you think someone with a dust allergy will be alright in your house?
i think should be ok... i have dust problems with my sensitive nose and i'm fine...
8. How often do you invite friends / guests over? Why or why not?
almost everyday. living alone, as a bachelor, u get calls of "eh i'm coming over, are u having sex?" the answer to make sure they do NOT come is "no". but ok on a serious note, i receive customers at my place all the time.