Originally posted by the Bear:
you know what i miss about shifts?
the fact that you do not have a backlog of stuff waiting for you when you go for anything.. be it medical leave, vacation leave or just going home...
do what you can and everything is solved there and then..
if not, you just hang around a while more until it's solved.. there are no piles of lingering 3 or 4 month long projects haunting you
That's true! Once the shift is over, unless you have to tidy up loose ends, you're good to go! No such thing as 'Pending' because you hand over to the next shift.
SOmetimes, I miss the perks of corporate life, stuff like having your own cubicle, your own PC, your own phone, etc... but it doesn't take me long to think about the unpaid overtime, the politics, the tremendous stress, etc, and I start to be thankful for my shift work again!

Screwed-up sleep patterns notwithstanding, shift work allows you to have your days off when everyone else is at work so when you shop, there are no queues for the dressing room and cashier!

When you browse at the bookstore, no one looks over your shoulder or tries to push you away.

It used to be that when you took the public transport, you'd always get your choice of seats but these days, no matter what time, there's always too many people using the public transport.

And now that I work in a more equitable, less hostile environment, I love shift work because of the penalty rates (allowances) that we get!

(Just don't make me do too many Day shifts cause I'm a Miss Grouch from start of shift till about 1000hrs or so!
