Originally posted by Ferret:I certainly hope that the person I marry IS the one I wanna be with for the rest of my life.
Sadly, not all I talked to has this view.
Yeah I understood that marriages might break down and relationships can sometimes go beyond repair.
But knowing all these, despite a lack of faith, still go on hoping ?
Originally posted by InnoHippo:it's more than a SUMMARY ....... it's more like a editorial column
.....Originally posted by viciouskitty74:You might now know...they may not be married to each other.
Thanks for sharingOriginally posted by the_don:6 pages is too much to read so i'll just post my view:
i dun undersand your question. trust? affair? those 2 words dun come together.
I assume you mean marriage as in signing of legal documents to annouce a man and woman as husband and wife.
I dun know why others do it and seriously it is none of my business.
My personal view on marriage is this:
Marriage is a promise to love, hold, in sickness, in health, in rich, in poor, to stay faithful and never part til death occurs.
marriage document is a permanent, sure and legally binding declaration of commitment to ONE person for the rest of one's life.
if signing a piece of paper makes you sweat, then you are not ready. dun even think abt it. i rather pple co-habitate then to get marriage already then head for divorce.
divorce is not an option and do not plan to head that way either. If pple want to get married, they should not even consider divorce as a way out.
marriage is sacred and holy. husband love your wives and wives respond to that love. this bond must be protected at all times and never be broken. if this bond is broken then divorce becomes an option (or murder, your choice). Example of breaking this bond is unfaithfulness, abuse and neglect.
I just had an animated discussion about love and marriage with someone about to tie the knot.Originally posted by choco B:Er, ya. No risk no gain, right End of marriage is not the end of the world, as long as you can account to yourself.
Sounds like you have had many bad experiences. And people around you hold views about love & marriage that you don't agree with.
I will not judge how others live and think. If you post this same topic in Bar or Aunt Agony forum, I'm sure you will get very different replies. Sometimes it's about the company one is with.
But if it's any consolation, at least for the forumers who have replied you here in this thread, a portion of them are people who HAVE taken the risk, and found it worth-while still. Or believe in the chance of finding happiness with another person, while remaining realistic. So I hope you will find encouragement in that
Fancy feathers~Originally posted by Wanda:Incidentally, this morning, I ask SO: can you imagine being with me for the next 50 yrs.
Without blinking, he asked back: "Why not?".
And there you have it.... a shot of brilliant colours.
sort of agree with his statement. if you love 100%, then there are no more room for improvement. furthermore, love is a muture feeling that both party feels, for the good and the mistake that each made.Originally posted by Ferret:I just had an animated discussion about love and marriage with someone about to tie the knot.
He mentioned that he is marrying the girl not because he love her, but can "live" with her. (yes he likes, but not ...love)
In deference to my "50 years qns", he said yes, he can be with her for the next 50 years. And precisely because he didnt love her.
He said, Love fizzled out easily. And that "true love" is rare.
What makes a marriage works is the ability to "work" with each other. Not...love.
I guess I did understand where that is coming from. Even if I didnt like the answer.
Choco, you are right about the company I keep. I am very delighted to know that so many ppl here are willing to share their experiences with me. Thanks all.
Originally posted by Rhonda:
OK... 30 secs self-imposed embargo over!
Ferret, something you said, "Sigh. A shell is akin to a comfort zone. As long as I dont stay out, nothing can get to me. Yes, I do have a "shell" now. I've actually worked hard to have one. And its because I think I took way too much risks when I was younger and dumber."
Sometimes, quite obvious that you're running scared. Remember though, you took risks that resulted in endings you probably regretted when you were 'younger and dumber'. I trust you have learnt from your lessons since, right? You're now 'older and wiser' so it's time to go out and put the lessons you've learnt into practice.Actually all I've learnt is to avoid getting burnt. Which means going all the way out to avoid situations where I could be burnt.
I once told myself...Never to be bitter and cynical...
But it seems that as time passes, I have grown even more bitter and cynical. Time and time again, I have been disappointed and wounded. But I hope to be able to arrest it and if possible, correct myself. Because for one very simple reason, I believe life should only be spent in fun and happiness, anything else is an excuse for existence.
I look at my parents sometimes and wonder how they can stand each other for so long. They are quite different but intrinsically, their values are the same and most importantly, their commitment to each other is strong. To put it this way, divorce is not an option for them. There were times when one made the other very angry and there'll be some kind of silent war for a while, but in the end, one will eat humble pie and make amends to the other.
I think they keep an open mind as well. When dad first got an interest in singing, he'll belt out Hokkien songs that made me, my brother, and my mom all cringe and go "EEEEeeeeww!" and we'll hole ourselves up in the farthest bedroom, complaining and wishing he'd stop!!
Now, a few years later, mom slowly warmed up to his karaoke'ing habit and has even joined in! They now hold regular karaoke sessions at some karaoke place with their friends and they'll practice now and then at home. Mom would say dad sings well and dad would say mom is the karaoke 'Queen', I should go and watch her peform!
Some couples stay together for their children. During my discussion with my friend, he pointed out that life after marriage is no longer about you and him/her. You have got to think about your mutual friends, your extended family and of course, your children. He pointed out that even after love had fizzled out after marriage, people will stay together for the sake of their kids.
Yes it sounds all...so noble and self sacrificing. But...at the same time, oh so cruel
Thing is, you never know how things will turn out. Life is always a dynamic continuum. Sometimes, we'll continue being the person we are now, then suddenly, we experience something life-changing that makes us reconsider and change paths. When such things happen, hopefully, the partner by our side keeps an open mind about it and accepts the changed us and still decides to travel along the journey of life with us. Marriage is indeed a journey together and there'll be many many intersections where the two will stand at crossroads and one might want to turn left, the other right, and whether each other goes their separate way or if one compromises and decides to take the unknown new direction because they love and trust their spouse is what determines if a marriage will work or not.
so maybe finding such an "open minded" person could be the key ? I am so confused >.<"
The thing is, not to be afraid. Fear paralyses you. It prevents you from even trying things out in the first place. The best thing you can do for yourself, Ferret, is to understand yourself, know yourself well. Get to the point where you know that even if you are alone, you will survive and you can still find some kinda dark humour in the face of utter desolation and despair. If you can reach this stage, then you are ready for a marriage because it will mean that you are self-sufficient, you are not needy and dependant, but yet, you choose to accept another into your life because you want to, not because you need to. Having that someone in your life, not as a crutch or safety net, but because you love him and want him to be part of your life. Then, come what-may, brimestone or hellfire, you'd both WANT to stay together.
I am alone. I had survived. I have twisted sense of humour.
Sigh. I like the "part of your life". Sounds right...somehow.
Originally posted by honeymouse:
Not sure if this is an encouragement or discouragement, my parents have been separated (not officially divorce yet) since I was 10 yo and I had a pretty tough childhood because of my parents' failed marriage. However, I am still willing to take a leap of faith by getting married. And instead of constantly fearing it'll end up like my parents', I try to learn from the mistakes my parents made.
Lemme sidetrack a little. When your parents divorced...can I know how you feel at that time ? How does it affect a child of ten ? And if you were older ? Say in your 20s ? Would you be as affected ?
Love & Happiness is a choice. Everything requires effort. Where there's a will, there's way.
By hiding yourself in your "shell" or "comfort zone" does not necessarily make you happy either. Because you can never experience a true relationship (including friendship) as no one gets to know the "real" you and there's no trust.
If no one knows, no one can hurt me right ?
So Ferret, if you want to be happy in life (even before thinking about marriage), you need to step out of your "shell" first and learn to establish friendship or relationship with people and have faith in people.
We might get hurt sometimes but that's life. If we don't get hurt, we don't grow up and become strong. [/b]
Originally posted by the_don:Thanks don, though I didnt really have a story....
hey ferret,
i dun know your story but i sense u need a hug so goes...
sometimes a tub of ben & jerrys and the company of good frens is the better than any soul searching
(that means, dun think so much )[/b]
Thanks SevenElevenOriginally posted by SevenEleven:sort of agree with his statement. if you love 100%, then there are no more room for improvement. furthermore, love is a muture feeling that both party feels, for the good and the mistake that each made.
for the agony and the happiness each had.
keep some space for love to improve when the kids comes along, when the agony of sickness and hospitalisation(maybe child birth) and little simple things that comes along.
don't need to look for 100% as it cannot be "measureed". just feel and leave spaces for to fill up the gaps.
i'm glad ferret is growing up.
ferret, never give up hope. The important thing is to be cautious about giving out your heart, where it shouldnt be.Originally posted by Ferret:Thanks SevenEleven
Not so much as growing up... I think all these issues concerned everyone.
By having so many people participating in this discussion, even those who read but never post anything, I believe a lot of viewpoints are shared and new avenues of thinking are explored.
Ultimately, I believe we all can head towards some form of "enlightenment" here ....
Lemme sidetrack a little. When your parents divorced...can I know how you feel at that time ? How does it affect a child of ten ? And if you were older ? Say in your 20s ? Would you be as affected ?As I said, my parents never divorced, only separated.