[quote]Originally posted by Rhonda:
1. What talents do you have that not many people know about?
i dig holes pretty well i guess?
2. Are you applying that talent in your profession now? Do you think that you'll eventually consider switching careers so that you can make use of your talent someday?
not something that i think can be applied to my current trade, will probably switch career soon but definately not because of my "talent"
3. If you could make a choice, which talent(s) would you love to have? Why?
would love to be smarter or at least more hardworking(if this can be considered a talent)
4. Who is / are your role model(s) in life? What attributes do they have that you admire?
right now i'll have to say none
5. Are you more of a Leader or a Follower?
a follower who aspires to be a leader
6. How influential a person are you? Do people often approach you for advice?
rarely, my advice is usually dismissed as useless because i'm considered the least experienced in life among people i know, even when it turns out i'm right.
7. If you could turn back time and change one thing or a few things in your past, what would it / they be? Why?
my trust in my friends, should have placed less trust in them, shame to have learnt a lesson the hard way
8. What do you look forward to in future? What do you hope will happen?
toto 1st price
9. Imagine that you're now an octogenarian (80 years old)... What would you want to be proud of and what accomplishments would you hope to have achieved when you think back on your life?
toto 1st price
10. What sort of friend do you think you are? What are your strengths and shortcomings as a friend?
as a friend i used to be more trusting and loyal, for people i consider my friends i usually do a lot for them, not something i do often now plus i'm more careful about who are my friends now.
shortocmings? too quick to judge them i guess?