"Nowadays, there are three types of magnetic levitation technology in the world, namely, superconducting electromagnetic levitation, normal-conducting electromagnetic levitation and permanent magnetic levitation. The first one is developed and possessed by Japan. The second is developed and owned by Germany. The third is independently developed by the Dalian permanent magnetic levitation project team, and is an innovation completely controlled by China. It is an entirely new technology......""The Dalian permanent magnetic levitation project team started to do research on permanent magnetic levitation in 1998. From 1998 to 2006, the project team made a number of breakthroughs and devised many innovative techniques. On August 7th 2003, a magnetically levitated vehicle made by the team for conveying park visitors was successful in the operation test, indicating that China has its own magnetic levitation technology. After that, the project team succeeded in solving 5 major technical issues. On December 26th 2004, they made a permanent maglev train that made satisfactory performances on a 70-meter long track during operation test.
Magnetic engine is the core technique of a maglev train. The magnetic engine inside a permanent maglev train is a decentralized power device developed by China on its own. This type of engine can help to cut costs dramatically and can reduce energy consumption by about 50 percent. The Dalian project team has managed to develop two types of magnetic engines, one with traction of 105 newtons and the other with traction of 15,000 newtons. The former, with a rated velocity of 140 kilometers per hour and a maximum velocity of 218 kilometers per hour, aims to be used in low-speed permanent maglev train. The latter, with a rated velocity of 268 kilometers per hour and a maxim velocity of 536 kilometers per hour, can be adopted in medium-speed passenger or cargo permanent maglev train....." maglev trains on test by 2010
By Gareth Powell, February 21, 2007
According to a government report from the Ministry of Science and Technology China will develop its own magnetically levitated (maglev) trains that can travel at speeds of up to 500 kilometers per hour. A 30-kilometer-long test line will be built before 2010.
If and when they come into service these trains will be, by a long stretch, the fastest passenger trains in use in the world.
Wang Xiaofang, director of the ministry’s planning bureau, said the maglev trains are listed in the ‘national scientific and technological support projects’ of the 11th Five-Year Plan period (2006-2010) that aims to ’solve crucial science and technology problems that hamper China’s economic and social development.’
China built a 30-kilometer-long maglev link from Shanghai to the city’s main airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, in 2003 using German technology. 15 of its new ‘bullet’ trains helped deal with the Chinese Lunar New Year’s Day. The current ‘bullet’ trains have a maximum speed of 200kph. current chinese maglev tech is still being studied and developed, the tech will be tested in 2010.