Originally posted by the Bear:
even with this, sometimes i'm not that sure...
in our cynical world, already the first person who came up with ADHD has come up and said that he made it all up.. yet ADHD and ADD is now accepted and entrenched as a legitimate diagnosis and a generation of ritalin children are growing up...
I think labels are not important to classify people who behave differently. Not all ADHD or ADD children are naughty - they just learn differently.
It is easy to claim its just parents' inability to control their children - There are really some parents who lack parenting skills. but how do we explain other parents who can have 2-3 kids, yet they may have extra difficulty with only one of the children?
How is it that the same parents, with same parenting styles can produce such different behaviours in their children if the answer lies simply in Nurture?
In time these parents will learn how to handle their children better if they are given time. But are they?
The reality is, are people tolerant during this process? Perhaps with less societal pressure for kids to behave in a certain way, in a certain place, at a certain time - there will be less need to label these kids with an ailment.
If people are more tolerant, there will be perhaps less pressure on parents to resort to medication to control their children.
Ok.. its out of topic liao.

SOrry abt that.