Originally posted by Rhonda:Good luck, Ferret... whatever it is!
Putting someone out of mind. >.<"
failed failed failed.
To that beetch on the phone.
To: Timmy
Just to let you know that I will always remember you. I wont forget the happy times that we had together.
To: _ _ _ _ _ _
The first date we went...we never said much...I held your hand in the bus...you were shocked, but you just smiled...we had a great time...thanks for accepting me then.
The last date we went...it was solemn and sad...you said you needed time alone...tears welled in my eyes...we never looked back...thanks for all the love we had.
To: The 4 Motorists Last Night
1. Don't cut in front of drivers at the turn of a bend, there is a reason vehicles keep a distance between them and other vehicles. They call it braking room.
2. It's 9pm in town on a weekend night. You are looking like the reincarnation of a pre 1979 vespa engine so it is not possible for you to go very fast. Don't ride with your high beam because I won't be admiring my side mirrors until I'm done with this stick of cigarette.
3. It's 4 am and everyone is going comfortably 130 km but you relish the camaraderie of a 20 tonne truck. A car is coming up fast behind you and overtaking on the right because you are chalking up the middle lane at the expense of other people's comfort.
You are fucking annoying and fucking small and even though you can always try overtaking, why do it when you could be admiring my tail lights in less than 3 seconds.
4. You are a young punk belted in your dad's latest toy but there is a reason why all vehicles are installed with the signal box. Don't cut into people's lane before you signal because you'll be seeing fingers when we meet again at the traffic junction 100m from here.
To: friends/aquaintances who have drifted too far apart
Goodbye... Thanks for all the good times, I never forget.
To the newly-graduated nurses who are bossy,
Congratulations. You have completed your course.
Please stop being bossy and cocky. Many others have completed their nursing courses before you, and are more experienced than all of you put together, so please don't go around with your nose up in the air, acting like Ms Know-It-All's, bossing others around. If you're not going to listen when others pinpoint your mistakes to you, then sooner or later, you will end up commiting fatal errors.
It pays to be humble, especially in this profession. The faster you learn humility, the better for you, for us, and for the patients under your care.
PS. Some junior doctors are more humble than the bunch of you!
To her:
Im sorry. Pls forgive me.
To my dear neighbours,
All of you need to soundproof a room in your house, and then practice on your blardy instruments in that room!
You on the left, repeating the same guitar chords over and over and over again, does not a Bon Jovi make! So before you get up to par, I suggest you turn down that amp or practice somewhere else where the only living beings you'll disturb are cows and ducks!
You on the right, WHY do you practice on your drums only at 9pm?! Do you not have a sense of time, nor an ounce of consideration? Many a time I wish I could grab hold of your drumsticks and do a drum-roll your head ... with a pestle!
And you at the back... PLEASE do not strum your guitar and sing out in your backyard, because you do not sing, you sound more like an out-of-tune coyote. You're often off-pitch, have a limited octave but you keep trying to hit the high notes, and you often forget your lyrics. So please, when you howl at your backyard, ALL of us have to suffer.
I won't be saying Thank You... until you stop the tortures...
it was so sad that i could not walk u home T.T
That I am really pissed !
Wtf is wrong with u ppl that u cant make a simple call and tell me instead of waiting till i find out and blow my top ?!
Stupid asses !
TO : ....
I have no words to explain myself, only that i truly believe that its for the best.
I can only say sorry. And sorry. And sorry again.
Sorry for having such a lousy friend like me.
I hate you, I hate you, and I hate you somemore
To : Elaine Cruz
Thanks for spending time with me last night. Though you had a meeting, u bothered to cancel it just to spend time and lending me your shoulder. I certainly opened up about myself more than i should and now, i'm wondering if instead, you are the ONE instead of my fiancee. Nevertheless, you know how my fiancee is like. Certainly, she wouldn't be the one who would make a cuckold out of me should there be an opportunity to do so. You're in the same med school with her and possibly, the closest one in her clique.Sure there are some things last night we shouldn't have done but i have no regrets for i'm sure i do had some slight feelings last time.
To my heart,
Why are you so sad all the time? Why are you broken all the time? What happened to you? What happen to the person I once knew....
To my company:
Smelly cheesepie, no bouns for this yr again!
To: my own body.
Please repel this flu invasion as quickly as possible.
I want to run the Passion Run on Sunday.
- Fudgie.
WTF is wrong with you.....
You think you are the only one with mood swing, others also have.
Just because you are the leader, doesn’t mean you have the right to be snobbish.
To me, you are just a pathetic, low EQ person.
To: xxxxx
I tried... but... I just couldn't..
I'm sorry..
To: Myself
No doubt life is tough now, walking on the edge of the cliff.
I will get through this, no matter how.
ehh.. i... ehh...
Originally posted by av98m:To: MDA
I hate you, I hate you, and I hate you somemore
To XX,
That's the thing about needs. Sometimes when you get them met, you don't need them anymore.
To TS,
You're sooooo yandao!!!
To Canadian Bacon:
I love you deep deep