I'm thinking what is missing is the SEXUAL TENSION.
You know the spark and fizzle, uncomfortably hot under the collar itch in pants kind of feeling.
He/she's got to create an opportunity to get him/her alone, get him in a bit of a sexy situation. Flirt unabashedly. Show cleavage if you need to, now is not the time to be Miss Decorum. For guy, be extra chivalrous, show extra attention, make the next step e.g. hold her back to guide her etc, make her wonder " What's up with him? could it be....? "
Yaya once the fire gets going just let it burrrn...
Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:
4. suddenly.. girl (or boy) realise EH! I like leh! then HOW?
cos the other party oredi treat like friend or buddy, may not consider as 'potential partner' already.
what can one party do to make the other party 'reconsider' again to like "EH! She not bad leh!"