It's D-Day + 1 and I'm alive!!!!

Other than the IV that the nurse stuck in my arm, I was blissfully unaware of any pain during the procedure. The only thing I'm dealing with now is coming down from the meds. I have a throbbing headache. Yuck. This is my last day off but I'm going to call in sick tomorrow.
All went well except the final hour or so when I was awake but groggy. The nurses had problems screwing in the post all the way. They tried twice but used so much force, I felt a twinge and told them to stop. They also had to take two x-rays to see if they got it in. I told them they had better not bill me for those extra x-rays. In the end, my doctor had to intervene. Turns out the groove in the screw had some debris. Silly nurses.