Plastic bags from shopping - trash bags
Paper - Recycle and make into small sizes - notepad
Washing clothes water - flush toilet (we handwash clothes)
Seldom use air con
Shoes Boxes - for storage
Medium size shampoo bottles (with pump) - become hand soap and dishwashing soap dispenser (we bought those refill packages one).
Toothbrush - brush for cleaning kitchen utensils.
Most of the food - dun waste, go to my tummy...
Oh ya I also recycle plastic bags for trash
That one is taken as normal liao so didn't think of it.
elindra and LF, we share so many similar recycling habits that I had a good chuckle reading both your lists.
Ah well, here's my list -
Egg Crates - put aside and saved until I visit the Richmond Market where I'll hand them all to the egg-seller there to re-use
Newspapers, old magazines, cartons, the insides of toilet paper rolls and kitchen napkin rolls - dump into the Recycle bin at the back of the building
Boxes of products bought, if still in good condition - use for storing knick-knacks
Old Towels - use as rags
Plastic bags - used to line my rubbish bin
Empty juice or beverage bottles - refill with water to chill or to use as water containers when going out
Empty Ferraro Rocher plastic containers - use as jewellery boxes
Newspapers - Unread Sports section used to line the little table when I have my meals so at the end of it, just throw the newspapers into the bin, no need to wipe the table and waste water / paper napkins.
Disposable containers from frozen TV dinners or from buying supermart groceries - wash and use as containers for organising ingredients neatly when cooking. Recently found out that it's useful for storing dead spider corpses as well.
Actually, this thread should be expanded to not only include recycling, but to include the ways we conserve energy at home too. I managed to shave a huge chunk off my winter electricity bill and I'm very proud of the fact! Hehe!
I use both sides of paper to do workings. sometimes use the non printed side to do drafts and memos (why waste notepads?)
Can drinks -- my dad brings it downstairs for an old man who goes about block by block to search for those "spam advertisments" and cans to sell.
Unwanted clothes gd condition sometimes give to salvation army, if not sell to garang guni.
Every basin has a small container. This is to collect the water used to wash hands, which can be used for flusing the toilet. (dey! save alot! )
Water collected from washing clothes used to clean the walkway outside my block. And flush toilet.
News paper, sell them to garang guni (for more dollar, drive to bukit batok collection centre)
Off the water heater when not in used.
Off the modem when not using.
Use all energy saver bulbs(cool white and yellow)
too many to mention.
i've used my belly button fluff to spin into a wick and my saved earwax to shape into a candle..
*damn i'm gross...*
collect the "waste" water from washing machine and use it to flush toilet ....
Oh we also recycle used plastic milk cartons as flower pots or as a scoop to water the plants.
Plastic egg cartons can also be used as a jelly mould
I use the plastic lids of takeaway containers to place under flowerpots to collect excess water when I water them. Saves on the need to use paper towels to soak up the excess water and mop up the mess.
Originally posted by elindra:
Plastic egg cartons can also be used as a jelly mould
not sure if that's safe? cos some plastic can't be heated... and usually when u pour the hot jelly in.. err its quite hot? may emitt poisonous fumes.
mine all quite similar ba...
except i use A4 leaflets, pamphlets, or promotional magazines to make boxes in to feed my cat.
and keep a lot of junk for children's art work.
i use the cake box (off white cardboard) and make into a bounce card for my speedlight (original cammy bounce card : $19.00/pc).
mommy uses cookie's poo as fertilizer for her plants ...
Here, the newspapers either get recycled or turned into litter for the kitty/bunny.
We wash and reuse food containers that aren't very oily.
We re-use PET water bottles for a few months.
Water from the washing machine is used to flush the loo.
Originally posted by LOTUSfairy:i use the cake box (off white cardboard) and make into a bounce card for my speedlight (original cammy bounce card : $19.00/pc).
Waaah! So clever!!
Originally posted by LOTUSfairy:i use the cake box (off white cardboard) and make into a bounce card for my speedlight (original cammy bounce card : $19.00/pc).
but that's a fraction of the waste when you armour your camera with about 20 layers of gaffer tape
Originally posted by the Bear:
but that's a fraction of the waste when you armour your camera with about 20 layers of gaffer tape
ooi...*smack* bear really hard ....pain or not?
i dun mind using my gaffer tape on you too..
I've decided not to accept plastic bags from stores when I make a purchase. So I've made my own shopping bags which I've stashed in the back of the car, ready for use whenever.
I have three recycling bins in the back yard. One each for plastics, glass and alumimium.When they're full, we take them to the recycling yard and sell them for cash. Newspapers are taken to a collection bin. Too bad we don't have karang guni men here. Old clothes, furniture and stuff like that in reusable condition, we donate to a charity and enjoy the tax deduction in the process. I also sell alot of stuff on craigslist.
Originally posted by the Bear:i've used my belly button fluff to spin into a wick and my saved earwax to shape into a candle..
*damn i'm gross...*
I dun usually recycle.
Originally posted by LOTUSfairy:
ooi...*smack* bear really hard ....pain or not?i dun mind using my gaffer tape on you too..
I volunteer to assist you!
Hmm... think I'll bring home shopping bags for a few of you when I return.
Borders here has started to charge for every plastic bag you ask for! They are trying to encourage you to bring your own shopping bag!
I think some celebrity was photographed by the gossip mags carrying this canvas bag with the words "I'm not a plastic bag!" printed on it. I saw it being sold at K-Mart for A$5 but the quality didn't seem good.
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:I dun usually recycle.
Start now, can? Don't be pai si, can?
i pack my cardboard packages (those like u buy cookie package with out cardboard packaging) to my re-cycle bin downstairs..
the "window" slots were stucked. i went around and found that doors are forced open. Someone is lootting the stuff people donated for their own profit!..
how cheapo can people be. !