Women are known to be the biggest user of toilet paper in the world. Some claim it is about 40 time more than man. Unfortunately these paper are flushed into the sewage and they never make it to paper recycling plant.
On average consumer use 8.6 sheets per trip and a total of 57 sheets per day. That's an annual total of 20,805 sheets, or about 20 rolls per year. Not much really?
But women, what if i tell you that on an average a women will consume 1 rolls in about 5 to 7 days?
Each roll usually consist 1000 sheets and it weigh about 230gm. Base on 1 roll per week, a women will consume about 52 rolls per year, which work out to be about 12kg per year.
12kg per year? not much again?? what if you multiply that by the world female population of 3.35 billion? Even if we half that figure to factor in kids, babies and developing countries, that will still work out to be about 20,000,000,000kg per year.
By saving 1,000kg of paper, you save
17 trees
6953 gallons of water
463 gallons of oil
587 pounds of air pollution
3.06 cubic yards of landfill space
4077 Kilowatt hours of energy
Which mean, every year 340 millions tree are chop down to meet women's TP requirement.
So how?
now this is one topic that u can safely ask
what is the point of this topic?
hanor hanor
u rather we wipe ourselves clean or hv shit stuck onto our arseholes?
It's hard being a woman.
Oh ok. So. Wad u trying to say?
Originally posted by soleachip:Fuck.
It's hard being a woman.
it's eben harder hvin men ard who pik on us.
Thank for the info. Enlightening, but not very useful to me.
Originally posted by TCH05:So how?
You can start the education campaign by swearing off toliet paper first
Then again, I pity whoever washes your underpants
Sheryl Crow "only one square per restroom visit"
Originally posted by TCH05:Sheryl Crow "only one square per restroom visit"
The possibilities are infinite
Originally posted by elindra:
You can start the education campaign by swearing off toliet paper firstThen again, I pity whoever washes your underpants
Originally posted by TCH05:Sheryl Crow "only one square per restroom visit"
Honestly, one square is going to mean a lot of hands will start getting wet and dirty. And if you notice the way people wash their hands after leaving the cubicles, they either do not use enough soap (or horror of horrors, no soap is available!!) or they don't rub in the soap long enough, to be really hygienic. It's not the soap per se that makes the hands clean, it's the rubbing action and how long you rub that makes your hands clean.
So unless people start practising vigilant hand-washing, and public toilets in shopping malls and train stations etc start ensuring that the supply of liquid soap never run out and the soap dispensers are never malfunctioning, I think the hygienic thing to do would still be to use enough toilet paper, for the sake of hygiene.
Between using too much paper and keeping hygiene levels good, I'd much rather see the latter prevail. It would be a shame if we were to save paper, and then end up seeing nasty communicable or hygiene-related diseases on the rise.
Besides, there are much better ways to save paper than this - try getting companies to stop wasting paper, and especially, stop those stupid flyers, ads and posters from being printed in excess, or at all!
Targetting toilet paper usage to 'save paper' is kinda like fixing the leak on the dam with super glue.
yeah! I lurve toilet paper!!
Rhonda, if you are so worried about hygiene you will probably have to wash "it" and wpe "it" ;)
On one of my recent trip to Australia, I noticed that the australia men seldom wash their hand after they pee. Is that true for women in Australia?
That sort of make me believe that one should never eat nuts and crackers in the pubs.
Originally posted by TCH05:Rhonda, if you are so worried about hygiene you will probably have to wash "it" and wpe "it" ;)
On one of my recent trip to Australia, I noticed that the australia men seldom wash their hand after they pee. Is that true for women in Australia?
That sort of make me believe that one should never eat nuts and crackers in the pubs.
It's not just in Australia, but in Singapore too. A lot of women just do a cursory half-hearted handwashing, perhaps just to avoid stares and glares, but the handwashing is not sufficient enough to remove germs and bacteria one might have come into contact with erm... when engaging in erm... private voiding activities in the cubicles.
Don't get me wrong... I'm not obsessively nor compulsively clean. I think my apartment is kinda testament to that.
But I do think that it's very important to have good personal hygiene because there are some pretty nasty bacteria that thrive in the nether regions and we do have cases where E. Coli gets out of the nether region, and into the body via the mouth! YUCKS!!!
Here, from Wikipedia :
Transmission of pathogenic E. coli often occurs via fecal-oral transmission. Common routes of transmission include: unhygienic food preparation (ie. cooks or others who handle food and don't wash their hands properly after their toilet break! Eeeeeewww!!!), farm contamination due to manure fertilization (therefore, PLEASE wash your vegetables and fruits thoroughly!), irrigation of crops with contaminated greywater or raw sewage, feral pigs on cropland, or direct consumption of sewage-contaminated water. Dairy and beef cattle are primary reservoirs of E. coli O157:H7, and they can carry it asymptomatically and shed it in their feces. Food products associated with E. coli outbreaks include raw ground beef (thinks of elindra and her beef carpacio! ) , raw seed sprouts or spinach, raw milk, unpasteurized juice, and foods contaminated by infected food workers via fecal-oral route.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the fecal-oral cycle of transmission can be disrupted by cooking food properly, preventing cross-contamination, instituting barriers such as gloves for food workers, instituting health care policies so food industry employees seek treatment when they are ill, pasteurization of juice or dairy and proper hand washing requirements.
Words in Jade-Green are my own.
So, if you go to the toilet on a pee- or poo- mission, and come out without washing your hands properly nor thoroughly enough, and then pop food into your mouth, your tasty food will be even tastier because it would be seasoned with E. Coli!! Whilst E. Coli is an essential flora in the gut, it is not meant to be consumed orally!
Random facts from KT Tunstall:
Women are more environmentally-friendly than men, if you go by the amount of flatus they produce alone - men fart 19 times a day, and women 8.
Squirrels often lose the nuts they bury, which then germinate and grow into trees!
So perhaps there should be one squirrel to every man on earth.
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Random facts from KT Tunstall:
Women are more environmentally-friendly than men, if you go by the amount of flatus they produce alone - men fart 19 times a day, and women 8.
Squirrels often lose the nuts they bury, which then germinate and grow into trees!
So perhaps there should be one squirrel to every man on earth.
LOL this is a seriously hilariouis fact
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Random facts from KT Tunstall:
Women are more environmentally-friendly than men, if you go by the amount of flatus they produce alone - men fart 19 times a day, and women 8.
Squirrels often lose the nuts they bury, which then germinate and grow into trees!
So perhaps there should be one squirrel to every man on earth.
Erm... I don't think women fart eight times a day leh!
Well here is the video of that random fact.