Originally posted by stellazio:then i'm here when you're not loh..
Eh... yeah hor! Hehehe! Lately I've been a bit too busy to log on at times.
You doing ok in the army or not? Managed to stay out of trouble or not?
*sprays insecticide*
Lf has a wave of bad luck with this tour..
not going to Tibet because of mayhem there.. so going to Szechuan
but in Szechuan, the Tibetan enclaves there are also rioting.. go may divert to Yunnan
but in Yunnan, that's where the soldiers are being mobilised from to go to Szechuan and Tibet.. so the place could be in "lockdown" mode
Originally posted by the Bear:Lf has a wave of bad luck with this tour..
not going to Tibet because of mayhem there.. so going to Szechuan
but in Szechuan, the Tibetan enclaves there are also rioting.. go may divert to Yunnan
but in Yunnan, that's where the soldiers are being mobilised from to go to Szechuan and Tibet.. so the place could be in "lockdown" mode
suay x 1000
I've got really bad muscular cramps on the right side of my back, at the waist area! The muscle spasms are so painful and horrid! I think it's from lifting and turning fat and heavy patients!
Originally posted by Rhonda:Eh... yeah hor! Hehehe! Lately I've been a bit too busy to log on at times.
You doing ok in the army or not? Managed to stay out of trouble or not?
kar chuah has a stalker who may be turning fatal attraction on him
Originally posted by av98m:
suay x 1000
Hanor... really suay!
But she's quite lucky in the sense that she just returned from Vietnam not too long ago and now, she's on vacation again! Wow...
In any case, I hope she'll be safe over there.
Originally posted by Rhonda:AV!!!!
I've got really bad muscular cramps on the right side of my back, at the waist area! The muscle spasms are so painful and horrid! I think it's from lifting and turning fat and heavy patients!
oh dear! looks like buddy building is a good idea for nurses..given the heavy loads you people need to manage...
hope everything works out safe and fine for LF
Originally posted by av98m:kar chuah has a stalker who may be turning fatal attraction on him
Oh izzit? Harharhar!!
Today, at work, one of my patients was a gay man who had an attraction to one of the heterosexual male nurses! I was tending to him when suddenly, he perked up, craned his neck, and exclaimed, "Mmmm... Who's that?"
When I pushed his bed out of the unit, that male nurse was standing right beside his bed as we passed. I told him later on what that patient said about him being dishy and how I had one hand ready to grab the patient's hand just in case he decided to pinch his bum as we walked past! My word, the way he was looking right at his bum, without a doubt, spelled G-A-Y!
The male nurse seemed pleased with the attention. He says he has bisexual appeal, whooppeee! He also said he encountered so many gay nurses during nursing school days that he no longer flinches at stuff like these!
Originally posted by Rhonda:Eh... yeah hor! Hehehe! Lately I've been a bit too busy to log on at times.
You doing ok in the army or not? Managed to stay out of trouble or not?
i'm not in the army..if i can be home on a wed afternoon, how bad can it be?
Originally posted by Rhonda:Oh izzit? Harharhar!!
The male nurse seemed pleased with the attention. He says he has bisexual appeal, whooppeee! He also said he encountered so many gay nurses during nursing school days that he no longer flinches at stuff like these!
either that or he's in denial
Originally posted by av98m:oh dear! looks like buddy building is a good idea for nurses..given the heavy loads you people need to manage...
Thing is, it's common for patients here to weigh more than 100 kgs and in certain cases, even if we buddy and use the correct techniques, the patient barely budges. I've been doing a lot myself lately so that's probably why my muscle spasms are pretty bad now.
Today, one of the patients had Gastric Banding, then removal, then decided to go for Gastric Banding again. She used to weigh 210kgs but now weighs just 90 kgs but unfortunately, bags of loose skin hang from her frame.
Originally posted by stellazio:i'm not in the army..if i can be home on a wed afternoon, how bad can it be?
Wah! Not bad at all! I think the army guys before your generation had much worse days!
Originally posted by av98m:
either that or he's in denial
it takes one to know one.
Tell you people a really interesting case recently... I nursed a ? male patient who had a past history of trans-gender surgeries. Yup! He was a man, who decided to become a woman, and then decided to return to being a man! So his penis was reconstructed.
Originally posted by Rhonda:Thing is, it's common for patients here to weigh more than 100 kgs and in certain cases, even if we buddy and use the correct techniques, the patient barely budges. I've been doing a lot myself lately so that's probably why my muscle spasms are pretty bad now.
Today, one of the patients had Gastric Banding, then removal, then decided to go for Gastric Banding again. She used to weigh 210kgs but now weighs just 90 kgs but unfortunately, bags of loose skin hang from her frame.
hmmm....trolleys and forklifts then ?
Originally posted by stellazio:it takes one to know one.
Wei! I'm not one leh... but I can pick out gay men leh!
Originally posted by Rhonda:Tell you people a really interesting case recently... I nursed a ? male patient who had a past history of trans-gender surgeries. Yup! He was a man, who decided to become a woman, and then decided to return to being a man! So his penis was reconstructed.
Originally posted by Rhonda:Wei! I'm not one leh... but I can pick out gay men leh!
any men who's not interested in you is gay right?
Originally posted by av98m:
hmmm....trolleys and forklifts then ?
We do use hoists and other machinery if we have to. But there are certain things that still require good ol' manual strength.
The hospital's Occupational Health and Safety Team did mention before that they were looking into imposing a weight limit on patients who want to be admitted into our hospital, because the toilet bowls, beds, chairs, etc can only safely accommodate up to a certain weight limit, and patients who weigh upwards of 150kgs might endanger themselves, and us, the poor nurses, if they are allowed to be admitted here.
Fireman used to tell me real incidents of how they had to use cranes to lift morbidly obese people who died in their apartments / houses out of their houses through the window! They were THAT huge!!
Originally posted by stellazio:any men who's not interested in you is gay right?
Eh! Unlike you, I'm not narcissistic!
Ppl at SC kpkb abt 3/4 tank rule
some say abt freedom... pls, the cheap petrol over there is costing govt's money... and I did remember abt diesel shortage during CNY years back creating massive havoc to logistics sector
Originally posted by stellazio:it takes one to know one.
*sprays insecticide, pours kerosene over kar chuah, sets on fire*
AV, wanted to tell you that just a few hours ago, I returned home after work and watched Episode 6 of Dexter. That's where he showed fear at being caught for the double murders he did on the Coyote and his wife.
That episode was when I started to really like the protagonist.