i'm thinking about getting liposuction but just wondering if the doctor won't operate on me if i'm too fat.. i'm 1.7m weighting at 120kgs
runnin or jogging farks up my knees when i tried do it and i just don't like dieting although i i do try to restrict my makan cravings to 2400 calories a day. i do go for swims for roughly 2 hours each session 2-3 times a week but it doesn't seem to be working well
eat less then..
dun need to go through liposuction. exercise is still the best though
oh yah.. maybe your metabolism is slowing down or has slowed down..
see your doctor or dietician...
anyway, liposuction is not good.. there are too many terrible stories of botched jobs.. and disfigurement.. and death...
don't do it...
Loposuction injures your body under the skin. Anaesthetics block the pain. And then you are given pain killers until the injury under the skin heals. If you don't change your eating habits after that, your fat will start buildingup again.
When you are that heavy, its best to not jog or have high impact exercise. It screws your knee. Go swimming to reduce knee injury. Besides that, its good to lift small weights in more reps to just build up muscle density which helps you stabalize your core/leg and arms so that as you get healthier, you can increase your exercise to include light jogging and other cardio exercise
pain de leh
now got another type of suction
but i can't remember what it's called
edit: oh i know liao
it's called LipoSelection
"which uses patented VASER ultrasound technology to liquefy and eliminate fat without disturbing surrounding tisue. Unlike traditioanl liposuction, this improved method delivers smoother results with minimum discomfort. It is also suitable for use on any area of the body, incl the chin and neck. Available at Dr Valentin Low Aesthetic & Laser Clinic, #08-03, Paragon Medical Suites. For more info, visit www.iplskinclub.com"
go for brisk walks
eat less
the main problem is usually eating.
no process food. drink lots of water. eat lots of fruits. no sugar. no dessert. eat vege. uf you have $$, why not lipo? but still, after the op, if you dun maintain, you will still go back to the same size
I now notice aunties eating cai png without the png. Just veg, meat and tofu on their plates.
Originally posted by mancha:I now notice aunties eating cai png without the png. Just veg, meat and tofu on their plates.
because it's expensive?
Go read up flowerpod.
A lot of girls doing it.
Btw, we will not only suck out your fat cells but blood as well. That's why there is a limit to how much can be removed at each sitting.
I was having the same problem as you. I use to weigh about 90kg, but after NS and a job that requires travelling, I gained almost that much weight.
Running and jogging farks the knees for fat people, that's a fact. Therefore I feel it is important to understand some health facts. How true are them depends on you.
1) 1 Pound of muscle required 50 Calories to sustain
2) A gallon of water consumed helps burn 500 calories
3) The eating habits
Instead of pure running or jogging, how about walking long distance at a large stride, facst pace? It might be that the quads are not strong enough for your weight, and it is affecting your knees.
Have you tried to go to the gym? Build some muscle mass to help with the metabolism. There is a sequence to get an effective burn, like starting from the major muscle groups to the smaller ones. Do some cardiovescular excercises as well.
Drink enough water lately? Not 100plus or diet coke, but just plain water. Helps the bowels too.
Finally, eating habits. A number of us fat ass gain it from eating wrong. Extra Carbo, extra fats, extra sugar, everything extra except fiber. Try to cut your carbo intake, rice, noodles, and lesser fatty meat. Lean meat etc.
Just remember this rule: weight loss = Higher output than input.
Give yourself some time to do it. Cheers.
no lipo man, try slimming pills, go ask around and im sure theres a whole range available, combine that with exercises and keep ur calorie intake currently, u need the energy to excercise.
liposuction for what...u want more pain, go stomach stapling or Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
Please don't go for liposuction...in 9 out of 10 cases there is bound to be infection after the "minor" operation is over...and it may not be as effective as you think it is...and you have to be discipline yourself when it comes to food intake...so there are cases of people reverting back to the original weight / amount of fat in body is "restored" even after liposuction...