Beauty tips you'll swear by
By ACA staff
American author Paula Begoun says women shouldn't shop for beauty products without knowing more about the tricks cosmetics companies use. Here's a selection of her best beauty-myth-busting tips.
The "beauty cop" who has authored several volumes of her best selling beauty bible Don't go to the cosmetics counter without me" says product marketing is used to bamboozle consumers into buying beauty products they do not need.
Moisturisers: Spending up big on that tub of designer cream may make you feel better, but it doesn't always have that effect on your skin. A pump action moisturiser is best. Dove, Olay and Clinique's moisturisers get Paula's personal tick of approval.
Eye cream: While more expensive than regular moisturiser, over the counter creams for under-eye areas have the same formulation as face cream. Experts say this is because the windows to your soul don't need anything you can find in a face cream.
Price: Sure it might seem better to buy the top-shelf skin products, but as Paula's review of commonly available products demonstrates, spending more may achieve little for your complexion.
Science sells : There's a reason the ads for some skin care products includes lots of complex-sounding terms along with diagrams and charts, it sells consumers the idea the goods have scientific merit. This may not be the case. For example, if you are applying a cream to your face, could it really fix the "damage" shown to have taken place in much deeper layers of the skin?
What you really need: The skin needs a lot less product than you'd think. A gentle cleanser, sunscreen and a pump-action moisturiser are what you really need. Your face needs sunscreen every day of the year too as UV rays on even a cloudy day can be damaging over time.
Foundation: DON'T apply a moisturiser underneath as this means it will sink into the pores and lines which doesn't look so great. Instead, apply a light poweder on top of a liquid foundation. This makes make-up stay on as the powder "sets" the base.