i think a cardboard cut-out would do less harm in the company...
and cost less too..
i suggest she murder ham murderer and replace him with a cardboard cut-out.. and pocket his pay
anyway, updated the ferret food frenzy topic
anyone tells me they are lactose intolerant next time i will be getting this image in my head
hopefully not
reminds me of this foul food..
=> Mouse Wine
tat CSJ funding thread, I dunno how are they going to really do it LOL
i think that moron andyboy is crazier than my boss.... and that takes effort
Falling sick.....tml sail somemore.
throw up on your commander!
Originally posted by the Bear:throw up on your commander!
Originally posted by 16/f/lonely:
Would be a good day to do that tml.....gonna have Super Pumas on our deck tml.
suddenly I'm reminded of the naked guy on the superpuma
I dunno
one told me when COE came, they reduced road tax... I did not remember anything... well I dun think they any either, $10k road tax rebate in 1990?
anyway just now on e news tat SCDF spokesperson ah nia... is it really ah nia? looks a bit tar bor suay (more looking like a he)
Originally posted by av98m:
suddenly I'm reminded of the naked guy on the superpuma
What's with his nakedness?
he was trying to seduce evil buses
Originally posted by the Bear:he was trying to seduce evil buses
Don't tell me av shoots his subjects in the nude to entice them to draw closer to the camera?
you'll have to ask him that
Originally posted by the Bear:you'll have to ask him that
Nah....he's the violent type.
Originally posted by 16/f/lonely:
What's with his nakedness?
the guy goes crazy when drunk, I'm told.
sianz ar
mmm... found tis Teochew drama on youtube
Originally posted by cassie:What could be the possible reasons(s) for a dull ache bordering on pain on the outer edges of your foot? I thought it was a cramp when it came on yesterday evening but it’s been 24 hrs and at times during the day I was practically limping. Can’t be a sprain, right? There’s hardly any muscle there. Crack?
bruise ? ...