15. The Machine Apparently Made to Saw the World in Half
What appears to be some normal-sized machine cropped and pasted onto a skyline is actually a gigantic machinized monstrosity designed for excavation by some Germans. Those things that look like saw teeth big enough to cut down the Empire State Building are actually buckets, each of which could pretty much scoop up your whole house.
If this thing's secretly a transformer, we're screwed.
14. Macaroni Push-Pop
Yes, this push-pop made of "Macaroni & Cheese in Chili Sauce With Beef" is very real, part of a "convenience meets nausea" movement to provide your favorite foods on the go in a microwaveable, cardboard tube. Scrambled eggs are also available.
Here's a tip for all you potential consumers: if you want macaroni and cheese so badly that you're willing to eat it in a push pop, you have an illness and need to reach out to a professional.
This giant, terrifying Eddie Murphy head that looks like a badly photoshopped and probably racist 4chan meme, was actually part of an enormous bust they were building to promote the movie, Meet Dave.
Incidentally, the only thing that would scare us more than driving next to Axl Foley's humongous noggin on the highway is being forced to see the movie.
12. Giant Table or Tiny Bicyclist?
This humongous table and chair is a sculpture in England. The artist wanted to build a monument to the privacy and loneliness of writing. And by that we assume he means the loneliness of being a writer who is also a giant that eats passing bicyclists.
11. "Do You See Those Letters, Uh, Floating There?"
Yes, if you stand in this spot in the parking garage shown in the photo, the word "DOWN" is just floating there. The sign was designed by an artist who won an award for it, because there are apparently awards for making innovative signage in parking garages.
He created the effect of continuous letters by adjusting the angles for appropriate perspective as they reached walls, just like in those incredible chalk sidewalk drawings that are all over the web.
These sorts of illusions are great when they appear on sidewalks, and probably much less entertaining when you ram straight into the wall of this Wile E. Coyote-inspired parking garage after swerving to avoid the giant DOWN sign that materialized in midair in front of your car.
10. If You Look Past The Unsettlingly Tiny Speedo, You'll See a Huge Freaking Airliner
This apparent disaster-waiting-to-happen is on the Island of St. Maarten. The airport has a particularly short runway that ends just 40 feet from beach, leaving large planes just barely enough room to land. So they have to come in low, directly over the beach, making it a prime destination for an afternoon of quiet, relaxing sunbathing.
Video of it, clicky => here!
Travel Tip: In St. Maarten you should always give a nice gratuity to the guy driving the boat before he takes you parasailing.
9. "We're Moving. It's the Crab's House, Now."
Holy crap, look at that thing. We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab, which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land.
We like how they chose the innocuous name "coconut crab" to describe something that can only be killed with a flamethrower. If these things were called "Skull Crabs" or "Under Your Bed Crabs" mankind would have declared war on them long ago.
8. A Splotch From God's Paintbrush
This Mark Rothko-looking blotch of color is the Grand Prismatic Spring, which supposedly gets its colors from bacteria that grow around the water.
Since this explanation seems far too simple for something so brilliant, we'll go ahead and assume it's really an alien spacecraft landing site being covered up by the government.
7. If Dogs Played Major League Baseball
This cartoonish muscle-dog is Wendy, a whippet with a genetic disorder causing ridiculous muscular growth.
While Wendy's condition is sure to have many medical applications to various muscle development disorders, we're still hoping Disney casts her as the bad guy in Air Bud 4.
6. "Damn Kids!"
At first sight, this appears to be a home improvement project that accidentally tapped into Stephen Hawkings' most abstract theories on space and time. But then you notice that the kid who is right next to the portal to another dimension isn't disintegrating into millions of pieces, or even looking up from his goddamn cellphone.
So it must be a photoshop right? Wrong again. The Inversion House is an art project that answers the pressing question: what would your neighbor's place look like if it was sucked through a straw in the Looney Tunes universe? The answer is pretty cool, though apparently not nearly as cool as whatever 13 year-olds are texting each other these days.
5. Body Builder, With Flesh Puppet
Yes, the proportions are correct. The tiny man is Aditya "Romeo" Dev, the world's smallest bodybuilder. He stands a towering 2 feet 9 inches tall and weighing in at a whopping 20 pounds.
We'd love to see him and Vern Troyer go at it in a no holds barred cage match. Or, see two huge men get into a cage match using this guy and Vern Troyer as weapons.
4. Freudian Gummy Candy
As you can see from the package, these are supposed to be lighthouses but may in fact be the most unfortunately shaped product of all time.
3. "Looks Like Another Neighborhood Got Sucked Into the Vortex Yesterday."
It looks like a city about to get drained out of a giant's bath tub, but it's actually a picture of the world's largest diamond mine outside of Mirny, Russia.
This mine is actually so large that air currents prevent helicopters from flying over it.
2. The "Everything We Could Find" Pizza
This seems to be a Photoshop with some Japanese text thrown on, to mock a culture whose major export seems to be insanity. But the product is real and oh by the way, it's from Pizza Hut.
It's the Double Roll Pizza and comes with a pigs-in-blankets crust. The only thing it's missing is some pork rinds. Maybe sprinkle some tiny cans of beer on there.
1. A Scene From a Michael Bay Movie About Tennis?
This mile-high tennis match looks like some cheesy special effect from a Nike commercial. But no, it's just Dubai, whose entire economy seems to be based on building enormous things that exist only for the purpose of not making any goddamn sense. In that spirit they hosted this tennis match between Andre Agassi and Roger Federer on a helipad located on top of the Burj Al Arab skyscraper.
Hopefully they brought more than just that one ball.
Source: Cracked.com
number 5 is so sick
the rest are believable
number 1 is... plain silly
I hear no.9 is delicious ....
the crab.. can eat anot?
Macaroni and cheese.
Yum yum.
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:the crab.. can eat anot?
can .... but the chinese haven't "discovered' it yet .... so let's keep it that way ..
my personal fave
Blue hole in Belize..its really a deep underwater curve..
Originally posted by Fatum:
I hear no.9 is delicious ....
only if it eats coconuts and not trash
Originally posted by Fatum:
I hear no.9 is delicious ....
I heard that it's very delicious
the tennis scene looked so dangerous. lol
The crab looks FREAKING disgusting!
Originally posted by tranicide:The crab looks FREAKING disgusting!
crab is also an american lingo for std pubic lice...it's the itch your balls kind, not the to be eaten type.....
But the crab is also on the CITES list.
Originally posted by elindra:
I heard that it's very delicious
didn't they eat that kind of crab on an episode of no reservations? and yes it looks really tasty
Originally posted by av98m:
didn't they eat that kind of crab on an episode of no reservations? and yes it looks really tasty
yeah.. and i think he said that it's probably protected or something.. but the locals eat it so he could not say no.. rules of hospitality dictate you do not turn down stuff when the locals offer their kindness
but i think he was only too happy to eat it
Originally posted by Master -_-:my personal fave
Blue hole in Belize..its really a deep underwater curve..
nice view .....
here are 15 more!
Night of the Lepus
We couldn't tell if this was the most horrifying or most adorable thing we'd ever seen, until we learned the backstory. First terrifying detail: it is real. There's even video. This species of giant gray bunnies are bred by a guy in Germany ... for food.
Look people, we're going to say it extra slow this time, and we're going to link every word to evidence: Germany. Is. Freaking. Weird. If you choose to travel there, please don't return with photographs.
Hannah Montana Gummi Cocks
Speaking of disturbing food, what is clearly a gummi dong to our eyes is supposedly a guitar. But yes, the candy is real and yes, the flesh-colored phalluses are in every bag.
Miners from Lilliput Explore the Interior of a Geode
Okay, that doesn't even look like a good Photoshop. Yet, it's a real photo, taken in the Cave of Crystals in Mexico.
"FAAKE!!! ... AAKE!! ... AKE!"
It's believed that the combination of mineral rich water and high temperatures resulted in super charged growth of the crystals. So Lex Luthor's plan in Superman Returns wasn't retarded after all.
The Streets As Seen by Salvador Dali
This melting building is actually just a regular building covered in a huge tarp with the Dali-esque design painted on it. It's covering an apartment building undergoing renovation in Paris.
Hats off to the French. In a single stroke they hide unsightly construction and fool all passersby into thinking someone spiked their espresso. Now if they could only figure out why people keep plowing their cars into buildings undergoing renovation in Paris.
The Penis Extension Most Likely to Accidentally Castrate You
While this looks like a pretty ingenious photoshop mocking the Swiss Army Knife manufacturers, the reality is far, far stupider: it's an actual Swiss Army Knife so huge as to be utterly useless for any task. It features a whopping 85 tools, including something that looks like it's for circumcising a baby.
On whole, the knife is nine inches wide and weighs two pounds. Here's an important outdoorsmen tip: When your knife has a handle three times wider than the blade is long, you're not carrying a knife, you're carrying a paperweight. One that's far more likely to stab you than anyone else.
Recommended by Four out of Five Dentists to Ward off Attacks by Giant Asian Men
This billboard from Indonesia is a creative effort by the Formula Toothcare company to illustrate the fact that their toothpaste builds strong teeth, though there's a special bonus message for very young children: people in pictures can only come alive if they're very big and hungry enough to eat you.
A Rare Shot of the Endangered African What the Hell is That
That dayglo smiley hovering in the air in the middle of the jungle is actually a Bird of Paradise engaging in a completely ridiculous mating ritual. The markings are actually on the bird's chest feathers, which it can puff up to display the pattern.
It'd be like being born with a shitty fad t-shirt permanently stuck to your body.
German Figures Out the Secret to Levitation, Refuses to Share
This seemingly faked photo can easily be explained away as sorcery.
Unfortunately, it's actually a street performer named Johan Lorbeer, who stands in a harness hanging from a fake arm that's attached to the building.
The real magic is that the support system up there doesn't crush his nuts.
The Jeff Foxworthy Estate
This mess of tacky trailer homes isn't a Photoshop, but it's not a living complex either. It's a set for a play in Amsterdam. We were going to question the sense of using a trailer park for Anton Chekov's Ivanov, a 19th century Russian tragedy, until we read a synopsis. The play features down on their luck peasants, gun violence at weddings and a main character who's deep in debt and has some spousal difficulties. The only thing missing is stock car racing.
The Miracle of Creation (During God's Teenage Years)
It's a real iceberg shaped like a pecker. We're going to leave it at that.
A Water Park Designed by MC Escher
What sucks about magic is the tricks are always incredibly lame once you know how they're done. This one is no different: it's supported by a pipe running up through the water.
If a Million Raccoons Rummage Through a Million Trashcans...
From the "holy shit that must have taken forever" category, this sculpture is by some inventive artists making shadow art using garbage, carefully positioned to form the silhouette. We're sure the rats living in the pile see the whole thing as evidence of intelligent design.
Home of the 404 Burger
Something this groan-worthy can only be real. A photo of this restaurant in China made the rounds over the summer during the Olympics.
Apparently restaurants there made a big push to get English on their signs to cater to tourists, but at least one business didn't have a single English-speaking friend they could ask. So they plugged it into Babelfish and ... you can imagine the rest of the story, which must involve at least one sign company who just didn't give a shit.
Actually, a Translation Error Would Have Improved This One
Man, just imagine all of the uses. Wait, do dogs even sweat? We smell bullshit here. This is actually a spinoff of a popular Japanese drink called Pocari Sweat. We don't know who Pocari is either, but we're going to go ahead and assume he's a Sumo wrestler.
"Our Top Notch Security Will Find the Cock in Your Luggage"
If you're not sure what's so funny about the above image taken from a public Birmingham International Airport report, look in the lower left hand part of the suitcase.
The document is still available on their website, (Click 2007-2008 Report) though you'll notice the mechanical dick has been crudely photoshopped away, in a bit of revisionism that reeks of Stalinism.
(source: Cracked.com)
Home of the 404 Burger
Something this groan-worthy can only be real. A photo of this restaurant in China made the rounds over the summer during the Olympics.
Apparently restaurants there made a big push to get English on their signs to cater to tourists, but at least one business didn't have a single English-speaking friend they could ask. So they plugged it into Babelfish and ... you can imagine the rest of the story, which must involve at least one sign company who just didn't give a shit.
Here's 16 more!
16. The Predator checks a map
This undoctored photo is part of an art project--and possibly also an awesome assassination scheme--where they meticulously paint clothing to match the surroundings.
We can't imagine how much time they must have put into creating photos that, after all that effort, will be dismissed as Photoshop by nearly every single viewer.
15. The Scene of the Most Hardcore LARP in the World
This looks more like a painting than Photoshop, but it's actually an enormous, elaborate set from the opera Ein Maskenball with a scene depicting Death reading from the book of life.
Have you seen Quantum of Solace? Remember the opera scene where they're on that huge set shaped like an eyeball? That's from the same opera. So is this inexplicable image of naked, fat and very old actors in Mickey Mouse masks.
Man, why couldn't they have shown Bond chasing bad guys through that?
14. We Can't Stop Staring at those Huge Shoes
Sadly, this is a woman in England with a growth abnormality causing her legs to reach enormous size. It's a debilitating condition and we're not going to make fun of her. But still, look at those shoes.
13. Screw Your Boat Race! I'm Outta Here!
We'd like to think that if you were in a speed boat race and Jesus called you to walk out on the water, he'd be cool with you slowing down first. At least for the safety of the other drivers.
Of course, in reality, the photo just captured this guy a split second before tumbling horribly into the water at inhuman speeds. According to a source that talked to the dude in the hospital afterward, all he was concerned about during his recovery was how to make one of his friend's speed boats go faster. Way to learn from your mistakes there, buddy.
12. Yes.. that's a Dog.
Yes, an actual living dog. The above monstrosity is from the Super Groom competition, where the boundaries of animal abuse get relaxed, if only for a day. It's basically the Ace of Cakes of dog grooming, complete with what appears to be an airbrush paint job.
11. Instant.. what? That's Gross!
Despite our desire to keep our lunches down, we looked into this one a little further and discovered that it's a real product, made in China and elsewhere.
It turns out that Jew's Ear is a colloquial (and somewhat politically incorrect) name for a fungus also known as "jelly ear," which doesn't sound any more appetizing. We've squinted at the window in the packaging to figure out what the hell that stuff actually looks like. All we know is it doesn't make us want to eat it more.
10. The Reason Your Car Insurance Rates Keep Going Up
Behold The Uno: a one-wheeler motorcycle invented by an 18-year-old. That's right, while you spent your senior year of high school trying to get a peek up the cheerleaders' skirts at basketball games, this dude went out there and completed some engineering slick enough to make every Segway owner jealous.
It operates just by tilting your weight forward or back to accelerate. Now we'd just like to see him pop a wheelie.
9. What Icebergs Do To Hide Their Holiday Weight
Yes, that's a real iceberg and no, it hasn't been painted. These icebergs were observed off the coast of South Africa. It turns out those stripes are caused by sediment or even dead krill getting trapped in the ice in layers over time.
We'd like to think of the process as deliberate, with the krill submitting themselves for cryogenic freezing until somebody invents a cure for being a tiny little shrimp. Hopefully technology won't let them down.
8. Christmas Tree Decorations in Morocco
This might look like a lazy father's hastily photoshopped answer to the question "Where do baby goat's come from?" But in fact, it's a real photograph taken of real goats in in Morroco.
When food became sparse on the ground, the hoofed creatures simply learned to climb trees. Pretty cool, though we'd imagine it loses some of its luster the first time you park under a tree and your car gets crapped on by a goat.
7. On The Set of "For Your Ass Only"
At first glance it would appear to be your 13-year-old brother's first attempt at photo manipulation. But it is in fact an actual event from last year when Gary Kasparov (yes the chess dude) was attacked by a peniscopter during a press conference.
There is also video of the incident, which we understand is a traditional Russian debate technique.
6. Sir.. Did you not see that Signal back there?
This has gotten passed around the internet with titles like WORST INTERSECTION IN THE WORLD OMG. While it's not Photoshop, it's not a real traffic signal either. It's a sculpture found in a roundabout in England. The sculpture obviously means, "We hate out-of-towners, and wish to distress them."
5. Some Creatures Get Scarier As They Get Smaller
If The Daily Mail can be believed, the Dwarf Gecko up there only grows to be a half inch or so long. And that's really gross for some reason.
We realize there are lots of insects that size, but for some reason it's weirder when it's an actual animal with a tiny little skeleton and everything. Like if you looked down at your kitchen counter and found a horse the size of a pea standing there. It'd be time to move out of that shit.
4. If There's One Sport You Just Have To Try Before You Die...
Once more we are presented with a photo that not only appear to be a Photoshop, but a bad one.
But, no, Ostrich racing is an all too real sport in several countries, though we admit these photos seem to portray frat guys enjoying the sport ironically.
Ostriches have a reputation for being ornery sons of bitches, so we're guessing that half of the excitement is watching to see which jockey gets his eyes pecked out mid-race.
3. Scientists Combine Human and Slinky DNA
What appears to be a simple application of the "blinds" effect in Photoshop is actually the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, decorated for the Dali exhibit and to terrify passers-by. Wait, Philadelphia Art Museum? Where's the Rocky statue?
2. Mountain Does Marilyn Monroe Impression
No need to avert your eyes, you are not in fact witnessing the world’s largest up-skirt. These bizarre, lens shaped lenticular clouds form in upward gusts of wind that naturally occur around mountains. These winds, known as "wave lifts," are so powerful that sail plane pilots have used them to glide 1,864 miles without a motor.
Venticular clouds are often mistaken for UFOs, which sounds retarded until you see one of these hovering over your town ...
1. Lovely Phallic Innuendo Bridge
So ... how long after construction did it take for the public to notice the shafts of sunlight through the railing of this bridge forms dongs on the street? You can't tell us nobody noticed this, either. This is Westminster Bridge in London...
...and we're going to assume that the architect figured this out at the planning stages. They were making dick jokes in 1750, right?
If you think about it, those shadows are just going to get longer and longer as the sun goes down. So if you're an insecure dude, stay away from Westminster Bridge at sunset.
Unless you're not one of those people who just see dongs everywhere.
Unfortunately, we are.
(source: cracked.com)
The insect photos are amazing